Questions tagged [shfb]

Sandcastle Helpfile Builder

A GUI used to generate help files using Sandcastle.


39 questions
1 answer

How can I find out what's causing differences in generated Sandcastle docs?

In Noda Time, we generate our documentation using Sandcastle and SHFB. We then commit the documentation back into the source repository - primarily because that makes it easy to view the latest (and historical) docs. I'm the primary developer for…
Jon Skeet
  • 1,261,211
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1 answer

What rules are applied to SHFB's IntelliSenseComponent's output folder?

Noda Time has an issue against it that the XML documentation file it ships contains all the internal and private members too - which is a shame. Fortunately, Sandcastle Help File Builder has a custom build component - IntelliSenseComponent - which…
Jon Skeet
  • 1,261,211
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2 answers

$(SolutionDir) MSBuild property incorrect when running Sandcastle Help File Builder via CMD

When I run the Sandcastle Help File Builder project file (for example, myproject.shfbproj) using Windows CMD, I get an annoying issue: $(SolutionDir) has the same value as $(ProjectDir), and this means that project documentation sources won't build…
Matías Fidemraizer
  • 59,064
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1 answer

Sandcastle Help File Builder cannot find vs2010.config

I am trying to build documentation for a Portable Class Library (.Net40, Silverlight 4, .Net for Windows Store, Windows Phone 7.5) as HTML Help 1 and MS Help Viewer. I only have one "Documentation Source". The project is set to use the vs2010…
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4 answers

Sandcastle Help File Builder Can't Find documentation source

I'm building the doc of a VS 2010 C# project with the Sandcastle Help File Builder. I've added the .xml documentation generated by the compiler and the Visual Studio solution .sln file of the project to the Documentation Sources. I have also added…
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4 answers

How to configure TFS2010 Build server to generate help using SHFB

I've googled a lot to try to find a solution but it seems like I'm missing something. Most articles tells me that I should modify the build file (TfsBuild.proj). But I cant find that file anywhere. Googling around a bit more tells me that it has…
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1 answer

Sandcastle/SHFB. Add platform icons and version info to help file pages

I am building help file for my library using Sandcastle Help File Builder. The library has three versions (.NET, Silverlight and Windows Phone 7) built from the same code base. I would like to add platform icons next to method names and version…
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1 answer

Howto modify Sandcastle presentation style without changing the default installation files

My project uses Sandcastle and Sandcastle Help File Builder to generate documentation. We're using a customized version of script_manifold.js that persists the user's language preference across pages (the default version resets the language…
Tim Long
  • 13,000
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2 answers

Convert Sandcastle Help File Builder Output (Web site) to MediaWiki format

I need to convert my Sandcastle Help File Builder (SHFB) output that is a Web site (HTML) to Media wiki format Find a way to transfer/include the converted pages directly into the MediaWiki we have set up. Any ideas? we have over 1000 pages…
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1 answer

Ordered list with Sandcastle Help File Builder

How do I make a list in xmldoc blocks render as an ordered list when I create a chm with Sandcastle Helpfile Builder? The following does not work: /// /// Built in support for foobar /// Client…
Justin Dearing
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1 answer

Printed documentation from Sandcastle

We're using Sandcastle for conceptual documentation and have clients that we would like to give documentation to in a non-CHM or HTML form, i.e printed. It could be Word or PDF, something simple to attach to an email. The use case usually involves…
Rick Glos
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2 answers

codeEntityReference to method on a Sandcastle developerHowToDocument

I'm trying to create a link to a custom extension method using MAML element and once I build the documentation I'm getting the whole tag content instead of a link to the whole method. A sample of the…
Matías Fidemraizer
  • 59,064
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1 answer

Specifying a root container for Sandcastle MS Help Viewer output

I'm using Sandcastle Help File Builder to create polished documentation for an SDK. To support Visual Studio's F1 feature, one of the outputs is in MS Help Viewer format. The problem is when we install the package into Help Viewer 1.0 (Visual Studio…
Sam Harwell
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1 answer

Is it possible to create MAML only documentation

I'm trying to create a help system that doesn't (necessarily) include any reflected code sections. Using the latest Sandcastle Help File Builder, is it possible to only include MAML XML files, and is so what setting needs to be changed, because…
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2 answers

Sandcastle, /doc, and Unmanaged C++

I work on a project that uses unmanaged visual C++ and a smattering of C#. We are trying to come up with a way to document our project, both the API reference, as well as some additional conceptual documents. Ideally, all of the documentation…
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