Questions tagged [sandcastle]

Sandcastle produces accurate, MSDN style, comprehensive documentation by reflecting over the source assemblies and optionally integrating XML Documentation Comments.

Originally developed by Microsoft, Sandcastle has the following key features:

  • Works with or without authored comments
  • Supports Generics and .NET

The original project is inactive, but new development continues at

298 questions
1 answer

Is it possible to merge two pages created by SandCastle into a single main page?

For each class in the project, SandCastle creates (among others) two pages: The main page, called as T_class_full_name, with the description, Syntax, Inheritance Hierarchy and See Also The members page, called as AllMembers_T_class_full_name, with…
Martin Haluza
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7 answers

Namespace documentation on a .Net project (Sandcastle)?

I started using Sandcastle some time ago to generate a Documentation Website for one of our projects. It's working quite well but we've always only written documentation for classes, methods, properties (...) in our project and had completely…
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1 answer

How can I find out what's causing differences in generated Sandcastle docs?

In Noda Time, we generate our documentation using Sandcastle and SHFB. We then commit the documentation back into the source repository - primarily because that makes it easy to view the latest (and historical) docs. I'm the primary developer for…
Jon Skeet
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1 answer

What rules are applied to SHFB's IntelliSenseComponent's output folder?

Noda Time has an issue against it that the XML documentation file it ships contains all the internal and private members too - which is a shame. Fortunately, Sandcastle Help File Builder has a custom build component - IntelliSenseComponent - which…
Jon Skeet
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5 answers

How to localize the documentation of a .NET library

I have an open-source project (here) whose documentation is currently in French. The documentation is generated from XML comments in code, using Sandcastle. Now I would like to translate the documentation to English and provide documentation in both…
Thomas Levesque
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3 answers

Generate HTML / Help files from VS 2010 C# XML documentation

I am looking for a good tool creating HTML / Help files from my VS2010 XML documentation. I have found some commercial tools, such as .Net documentation tool VSDocman I am sure there are more, I just list these two as examples. Also there are…
Horst Walter
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3 answers

XML Comments - Should see references be fully qualified?

Basically, when is it truly necessary (if at all) to use a fully qualified xml see reference: //Option 1 //Option 2 Also, what about referencing to the .NET Framework objects?
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4 answers

DocProject vs Sandcastle Help File Builder GUI

I have several C# projects along with some internal library components that I'm trying to document together. Sandcastle seems to be the place to go to generate documentation from C#. I would like to know which of the two, DocProject or Sandcastle…
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5 answers

Generate html documentation automatically during a build with Sandcastle

What steps do I need to take to get HTML documentation automatically building via the build step in Visual Studio? I have all the comments in place and the comments.xml file being generated, and Sandcastle installed. I just need to know what to add…
Mark Ingram
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1 answer

XML Commenting on partial classes/methods

Is there a standard way that the tools used to generate the API documents handle having XML Style comments on partial classes? Basically, how should one comment a partial class/method so that the resulting help documents aren't mangled? This…
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2 answers

Can we speed up sandcastle?

We make use of sandcastle (and SHFB) to generate class library documentation from inline XML comments. It's a great tool to maintain complete and professional looking reference + overview documentation, including correct code samples. Unfortunately,…
Wim Coenen
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2 answers

$(SolutionDir) MSBuild property incorrect when running Sandcastle Help File Builder via CMD

When I run the Sandcastle Help File Builder project file (for example, myproject.shfbproj) using Windows CMD, I get an annoying issue: $(SolutionDir) has the same value as $(ProjectDir), and this means that project documentation sources won't build…
Matías Fidemraizer
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6 answers

.Net XML comment into API Documentation

Is there an easy way to produce MSDN-style documentation from the Visual Studio XML output? I'm not patient enough to set up a good xslt for it because I know I'm not the first person to cross this bridge. Also, I tried setting up sandcastle…
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7 answers

Sandcastle - still the right thing to use? Or are there alternatives?

I'm just wondering - the last release of Sandcastle is from May 2008, and it's still listed as Pre-Release Software/CTP and it's not even licensed anymore, as the EULA specifially says: 2.TERM. The term of this agreement is until September 1,…
Michael Stum
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8 answers

Code documentation for delphi similar to javadoc or c# xml doc

I need a code documentation tool similar to javadoc or c# xml doc for delphi code. What is the best tool? I prefer a technology, which is in the future compatible to the Microsoft sandcastle project.
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