Questions tagged [sharepoint-workflow]

Sharepoint workflow sits on the top of windows workflow and adds the human workflow flavor.

The first basic important point to note is Sharepoint workflow and windows are not different entities. The base for sharepoint workflow is windows workflow. In other words, Sharepoint workflow sits on the top of windows workflow and adds the human workflow flavor. The below figure reflects the broader definition of Sharepoint workflow. It takes the core windows workflow from .NET framework and then applies content centric workflow on it. Content centric workflows are nothing but simple windows workflow attached to lists, documents and custom contents.

You can visualize Sharepoint workflows as windows workflow with human workflow touch and feel. The human workflow touch and feel comes when the workflow is attached to a content type like list, document, etc.

For instance, let's say we have made approve and disapprove windows workflow. You can attach this workflow with a student content type and the human workflow for student then becomes student passed and student failed. If the content type is invoice, then approve workflow can become a invoice paid workflow and disapprove can become invoice not paid.

In other words, Sharepoint workflow is content centric and depicts human workflow.

Source: (SharePoint Workflow Basics)

595 questions
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create and add Event Receiver in sharepoint 2010

How to create and add Event Receiver.I need to give permission for view my item which was added by me in SPList.Likewise i should not give permission to view my item in the same SPList.I have to set permission programatically..plz help me..
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Is there any possibility to send a mail in sharepoint 2010 using gmail smtp configuration

Is there any possibility to send a mail in sharepoint 2010 using gmail smtp configuration. I tried using .net.It is successfully going.. But i need this in sharepoint 2010 without usind SMTP configuration in Central administration in sharepoint…
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How do I detect whether a SharePoint calendar item has been changed in Outlook or via the browser?

I have a SharePoint calendar which users can connect to and view/edit in Outlook. I want to be able to create a workflow that is fired when an item is changed or updated and then use an If statement to determine whether the change was made in…
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Sharepoint 2010 Break permission inheritance

I need to create a workflow that would break permission inheritance in a sharepoint subsite. I am building a sharepoint 2010 site that is highly modular and can expand based on clients needs. The project requirement is that the client must be able…
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Sharepoint Workflow w/ Multiple Approvals

I am trying to create a workflow in sharepoint that has multiple approvals. So there is conditonal logic that says if Person A accepts the proposal continue on to Person B approval if person B approves move on to Person C etc etc. I have my logic…
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Visual Studio 2010 - Packaging Error

Hy, when I'm trying to package my "Empty SharePoint Solution" in Visual Studio 2010 I'm getting this error "The Project Item "ItemName" cannot be deployed through a Feature in a Sandboxed Solution". The Solution contains a "Sequential Workflow". I…
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Get Approval Status

I'm creating an approval workfflow in visualstudio 2010 for sharepoint 2010. The Workflow creates a task at the beginning and then waits for approving the task. But how to check if the task is approved? Perhabs I describe my szebario a bit more…
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Manually deployed Sharepoint workflow won't visible inside the Site Collection Workflows

I'm developing a three level workflow to MOSS 2007, I published it to our test environment with stsadm installfeature and activatefeature and it works perfectly. I followed this article to publish the new workflow. After the test session I tried to…
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SharePoint designer errors out with missing required parameters for custom activity

I am making a custom Activity for SharePoint 2010. When I drop the activity in the SharePoint Designer and supply values for the parameters, I get a mysterious validation error that simply says: This action has required parameters that are…
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SharePoint workflow development

I get a weird error message when trying to create new Visual Studio 2010 project of type "SharePoint 2010 Sequential workflow": "The SharePoint site at "somesite" is missing a target, task, or history list. Each of these lists is required to…
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Sharepoint Workflow dependencies

I need to create a workflow for a list. The list accepts: - Location (dropdown) - linked to location choices in the locations list - Division (dropdown) - linked to division choices in the divisions list - other non related…
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Custom Sandboxed Workflow Activity Issues

I have a custom SharePoint sandboxed workflow activity that I am trying to pass an optional parameter to. However, ULS gives me the following exception message: "SJW.SPDActivities.SendEmailWithAttachment.SendEmailWithAttachmentActivity" of type…
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Workflow to update list items

I have a column called "Cluster" in a list named "Cluster Assignment". The "Cluster" column/field is of type "choice", the choices are: Cluster1 Cluster2 Cluster3 I have another column/field called "User" of type "people/group". When a new list item…
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Debugging a SharePoint 2010 Custom Activity

I'm trying to build a custom activity for SharePoint 2010 to be used in a work flow. In the designer, I can see the activity in Action drop down menu on the ribbon under "Custom Activities". However, the element never materializes in the designer…
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Getting error trying to deploy a sharepoint 2010 workflow package from Visual Studio 2010 in Windows 7

I'm trying to deploy a Nintex Sharepoint workflow from Visual Studio 2010, on a Windows 7 Ultimate x64 machine, running Sharepoint 2010, and I keep getting this error: Error occurred in deployment step 'Recycle IIS Application Pool': Microsoft .NET…
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