Questions tagged [sharepoint-workflow]

Sharepoint workflow sits on the top of windows workflow and adds the human workflow flavor.

The first basic important point to note is Sharepoint workflow and windows are not different entities. The base for sharepoint workflow is windows workflow. In other words, Sharepoint workflow sits on the top of windows workflow and adds the human workflow flavor. The below figure reflects the broader definition of Sharepoint workflow. It takes the core windows workflow from .NET framework and then applies content centric workflow on it. Content centric workflows are nothing but simple windows workflow attached to lists, documents and custom contents.

You can visualize Sharepoint workflows as windows workflow with human workflow touch and feel. The human workflow touch and feel comes when the workflow is attached to a content type like list, document, etc.

For instance, let's say we have made approve and disapprove windows workflow. You can attach this workflow with a student content type and the human workflow for student then becomes student passed and student failed. If the content type is invoice, then approve workflow can become a invoice paid workflow and disapprove can become invoice not paid.

In other words, Sharepoint workflow is content centric and depicts human workflow.

Source: (SharePoint Workflow Basics)

595 questions
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Sharepoint Out of the box Approval Workflow Approve/Reject comments issue when programmatically altering it

I have a re-usable out of the box sharepoint approval workflow 2010, and I am programmatically approve/reject workflow using the below code snippet inside infopath formcode (2010). Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); ht[SPBuiltInFieldId.Completed] =…
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Cannot build workflow project with msbuild (Sharepoint 2010)

I use teamcity to build Sharepoint projects using 64-bit MSBuild. All projects work fine instead of my workflow project. When using Framework 4.0 I get the error message c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Workflow.Targets(121,5): …
Ole Albers
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How can I fix a SharePoint workflow returning "Error Occurred" due to being unable to update an item?

We recently migrated from MOSS 2007 to SP 2010 platform. We have this heavily-used SharePoint Designer workflow (500 and more instances per day) that uses InfoPath to submit data. It is basically a serial Approval workflow involving many approval…
4 answers

Cancel multiple SharePoint Workflows using PowerShell

How is it possible to cancel all running workflows in a SharePoint (2010) List? I found this script via technet. CODE: using…
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Approve a SharePoint workflow task using SharePoint Web Services / Object Model

I have created a workflow is SharePoint Designer and associated it with a list. The workflow creates an approval process, so SharePoint creates a task in the Tasks list so that the user can approve or reject. What I need to do is to approve or…
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SharePoint 2010 workflows suddenly does not work

I've been having this issue and been looking for a solution to no avail. Situation A: We have a SharePoint 2010 site which contains a list that has a SharePoint Designer workflow. Now everything seems to be working fine, the workflow runs upon item…
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Workflow-Core versus ElsaCore

I am looking for some alternatives to MS Flow/Power-Automate to save money. How are these two solutions different? Advantages of each? Downsides? and We are…
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How to create dynamic hyperlink longer than 255 characters in SharePoint Online

My setup: SharePoint Online (part of Office 365) No access to server coded (.NET) solutions Document Library using the Document Set content type New Experience UI enabled Use case: I have a SP2013 Workflow that allows a user to make a change…
1 answer

How to host the Windows Workflow as a Web service(.svc)?

I am trying to host the windows workflow as a web service, below is the sample workflow that I built and would like to host as a web service(.svc), can you please suggest the required steps? using System; using System.ServiceModel.Activities; using…
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How do you format managed metadata/term in a SharePoint Workflow email?

I have a SharePoint workflow that will send out an email with details of my list item. The problem is that some of the details include data saved with that item that is managed metadata or a custom term. So the email ends up looking like: Vendor:…
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Unit-testing SharePoint workflows

I was wondering if there are any existing solutions for unit-testing Windows Workflow Foundation workflows that run in SharePoint context. Unfortunately, SharePoint libraries were not designed with possibility of testing or mocking in mind. Such…
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SPSite.BypassImpersonationStateCheck - a mystery showing up in Sharepoint error logs

In the process of tracking down an elusive Sharepoint custom workflow problem, I cranked up the verbosity level on our sandbox MOSS server and noticed the following error message start popping up: SPSite should not be used with mixed impersonation…
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Create custom workflow for office 365 using visual studio and attach the workflow to the lists in the host web

I am using Office 365. I need to create a custom workflow using Visual Studio 2012. The workflow needs to be triggered whenever any Item in the list in the host web is changed and not in the app web. The app for SharePoint 2013 project allows you…
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SharePoint 2013 Visual Studio Workflow not updating

I created a workflow with 2 sequences. I deployed it to test and everything worked fine. I went back and added a sequence between the two. Now it doesn't seem to execute anything in the new sequence. Is there a catch to reload the workflow in…
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How to get the event/trigger of a SharePoint workflow?

A SharePoint workflow can be associated with a list, and configured to 'start when a new item is created', 'when an item is changed' or 'manually started by an authenticated user'. This is my screenshot: I need a way of detecting which of these…
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