Questions tagged [server-side-scripting]

Server-side scripting is a web server technology in which a user's request is verified by running a script directly on the web server to generate dynamic web pages. It is usually used to provide interactive web sites that interface to databases or other data stores. Popular Server Side Scripting languages are PHP, ASP, Java (JSP), Perl and Server-side JavaScript.

Server-side scripting is a web server technology in which a user's request is verified by running a script directly on the web server to generate dynamic web pages. It is usually used to provide interactive web sites that interface to databases or other data stores. This is different from client-side scripting where scripts are run by the viewing web browser, usually in JavaScript. The primary advantage to server-side scripting is the ability to highly customize the response based on the user's requirements, access rights, or queries into data stores.

From a security point of view, server-side scripts are never visible to the browser as these scripts are executed on the server and emit HTML corresponding to user's input to the page.

Popular Server Side Scripting languages are PHP, ASP, Java (JSP), Perl and Server-side JavaScript.

152 questions
2 answers

Classic ASP with Server-Side Javascript, calling function in a different file

I've got a page X that is supposed to have hyperlinks to pages A, B, and C if certain conditions are met. What I'm hoping to do is (on the server as the page is being built) is prune out hyperlinks that don't meet my conditions. The way I would like…
1 answer

Trouble getting Bootstrap modal window to open from server-side ASP.NET code

I am having problems getting a modal Bootstrap window to open up from server-side ASP.NET code, despite having followed all of the examples I find here. The code executes, and I get no JavaScript errors, but the modal window never appears. Here is…
3 answers

grep only for certain word on line

Need to grep only the word between the 2nd and 3rd to last / This is shown in the extract below, to note that the location on the filename is not always the same counting from the front. Any ideas would be helpful. /home/user/Drive-backup/2010…
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How to get the google sheets api credentials (client secrets, client id etc) and authorize through browser programmatically?

I am trying to authorize Sheets API v4 (including getting the credentials) through my webpage (let's suppose I have a button called "authorize google sheets"), so when anyone clicks that button they will be taken through the browser to authorize…
5 answers

Creating a fully functional website while only using vanilla coding

When I say "Vanilla Coding", I am referring to websites that don't utilize server side coding (such as PHP, ASP, etc.), only HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. I know that there are a plethora of sites that already exist that don't utilize (to my knowledge)…
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Including a PHP file, treats relative URLs from that directory

I have a PHP file at my server root.. index.php .. which include's .. DIR/main.php Now .. DIR/main.php .. include's many nearby PHP files using relative URLs using .. include("./common1.php"); Any way I can change the relative-URL base path so when…
Robin Rodricks
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2 answers

Fail to call ajax on second time button click using DataTable server-side-scripting

I'm using a datatable with server-side-scripting to show records on button click. The first time the button is clicked I am getting the response properly but the second time the button is clicked ajax is calling. I have also used a draw function for…
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Getting 400 Bad Request when calls ajax function using datatables server side scripting Wordpress

I'm creating one plugin to get data from custom table using datatable server side scripting. In query i'm getting right response but in ajax function call getting 400 bad request Request URL:…
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PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied while running a server-side CGI scripts coded in Python

I am trying to run a server-side cgi script coded in python but I am getting the following error while running it. Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 16, in srvrobj =…
2 answers

Node.js or Express.js is server side language like PHP or not

Sorry, My question sounds dumb but i am bit confused about Node.js .I am a PHP developer and i know that php has operations and functions that execute on server and return result to client screen. I want to ask in clear words, Do Node.js/Express.Js…
3 answers

How do I run python cgi script on apache2 server on Ubuntu 16.04?

I am a newbie so I saw some tutorials. I have a python script as #!/usr/bin/python3 print "Content-type: text/html\n" print "Hello, world!" I have multiple versions of python on my computer. I couldn't figure out my cgi enabled directory so…
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1 answer

PHP with mongodb datatable error

I Got error in the datatable in mongodb please give solution... If Anyone have reference source code send me it will helpful for…
Smart Singam
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Implement server side processing for datatables in python with sqlite

I have a Flask app and at some point a construct a complex query and display the results with datatables. This works fine, but I have a really large amount of rows so it takes a long time to render it. I have found out that I should implement side…
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How to create datatables with server side in codeigniter using sql server

I have a problem with datatables serve side processing using SQL Server/MSSQL, i've been following or use this tutorial link but its quite difficult to modify it using sql server In sql server doesn't allow using limit, i try to use this code below…
Bobby Z
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1 answer

Server equivalent to application web.xml

I'm running a .war file in 3 different Servers, but for each server I need a different description in the web.xml file, that will be accessed like: context.getInitParameter("CompanyKey") Is there a equivalent for a server file? It's being a pain to…
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