Questions tagged [selenium-edgedriver]

Selenium EdgeDriver is a WebDriver implementation that controls the Microsoft Edge browser using a MicrosoftWebDriver server.

96 questions
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Why does Edge/Selenium throw an error when disconnected from the Windows 10 virtual machine hosting the node?

I'm struggling to set up a scalable solution for supporting Selenium Edge testing. Firstly, Edge cannot run as a Windows service. Secondly, only a single test instance of Edge can be run on a machine at a time. And now thirdly, when using a virtual…
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IE & Edge Selenium drivers unable to find element in drop-down list

I'm trying to select an element from a drop-down menu. On my page, the drop-down items are all spans and looks something like this: Option 1 Option 2
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testng.xml suite Skip all test classes if it gets fail, it happens only for Microsoft Edge Browser

Executing Multiple classes with testng.xml suite, Where If any single class or test got fail it will skip only that particular test and go ahead for next test suite, for Firefox and Chrome. But, in case of Microsoft edge it can't handle Fail Test…
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Selenium Microsoft Edge browser Automation stops and fails if we run the test on locked machine

Test: Automation test is all about taking screenshots of Video and compare with previous one. I am executing this on Virtual machine (VM) - Windows 10 64bit. Other Browser Status: Chrome and Firefox are working good whether Desktop is locked or…
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Unknown exception error while opening edge using selenium webdriver

I am getting this error as trying to open microsoft edge with selenium webdriver. this is with latest RS4 win10(17121) and webdriver(17110). Python 3.4 Tried with older report's solution but still facing the same issue. 'Traceback (most recent call…
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Selenium MicrosoftEdgeDriver will not resize browser accurately

I am running some visual regression tests under the Galen framework, using MicrosoftEdgeDriver. Is anyone else having an issue where the browser being resized to a number different than desired? When sizing to, say, height = 640 and width = 360, I…
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MicrosoftWebDriver loading web driver null

I have the error when run selenium on local machine which is Windows 10 Enterpise 64-bit (Microsoft Edge Version: 25.10586.672.0)and Microsoft WebDriver - Release 10240. My Selenium version is: 3.6.0 public class SeleniumTest { private WebDriver…
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Latest Watir version supports Edge?

I see WATIR supports Edge browser automation in official website. But when I tried to run my existing suite on Edge after setting the path for MicrosoftWebDriver.exe in environment variables I am facing the below error…
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Edge webdriver not navigating to page with remotedriver (C#)

I'm trying to use the Edge Driver for the first time but it is failing to navigate to a URL when using RemoteWebDriver. The browser opens but it stays on 'Blank page', generating the following error on the grid node....... 17:24:05.348 INFO -…
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How to open Edge in inprivate mode using selenium?

I am using the following code(C#) but its not working: EdgeDriver driver = new EdgeDriver(); driver.Navigate().GoToUrl("about:InPrivate"); driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(myurl); This is opening normal window instead of inprivate window. How to open…
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Check with Selenium if browser is open

I'm using C# / Selenium 3 and the Microsoft Chromium Edge Webdriver to scrape a web page and then deliver data to another application. I need to check if the user has closed the web browser. Is there a quick way of doing this? I came up with the…
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TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'options' while using EdgeOptions

Hi I trying to run the below code for Edge Driver version Version 90.0.818.42 which is Chromium Based: from selenium import webdriver from msedge.selenium_tools import EdgeOptions dirpath = os.getcwd() edge_driver_path_used = dirpath +…
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How do I run the dev releases of Edge and msedgedriver with Python, Selenium, and Linux in TravisCI?

As a side project, I wrote a Python module that's basically a wrapper for Selenium. I've tested all the functionality with Chrome and Firefox only and I'm now trying to add Edge. I'm having a problem getting my tests to pass in my Travis CI (Linux)…
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Unable to launch Edge Browser using Selenium Python EdgeOption

Tried the following ways. First approach : from selenium import webdriver from msedge.selenium_tools import EdgeOptions from msedge.selenium_tools import Edge options = EdgeOptions() options.use_chromium = True driver = Edge(options =…
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Get Url from Tkinter Widget to use with Webdriver (Selenium)

I am trying to open a specified url when the button widget is pressed in order to test further with selenium. The problem is I cannot seem to get the url from the tkinter widget and use it with the webdriver. After a few failed attempts I started…