Questions tagged [selenium-edgedriver]

Selenium EdgeDriver is a WebDriver implementation that controls the Microsoft Edge browser using a MicrosoftWebDriver server.

96 questions
1 answer

Why is driver.getPlaform() returning ANY for MicrosoftWebDriver for Edge in Windows 10?

DesiredCapabilities edge = new DesiredCapabilities(Browser.EDGE, "", Platform.Windows); RemoteWebDriver driver = RemoteWebDriver(remoteAddress,edge); System.out.println(driver.getCapabilities().getPlatform()); This prints the platform as ANY, even…
3 answers

Selenium InvalidArgumentException on opening webpage without protocol specified (http/https)

On Windows 10 (64bit, python3.6.8), I'm unable to open link via driver's get method in case link was filled without http:// or https:// protocol specified. I use selenium==3.141 and msedge-selenium-tools-3.141.2 with python. Microsoft Edge version…
2 answers

How to open up Microsoft Edge using Selenium and Python

I've already added the msedge driver into the path variable. cmd confirmed that MSEdgeDriver was started successfully, however, when I run import os from selenium import webdriver browser2 = webdriver.Edge() I get an exception error that…
3 answers

selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: Unknown error while trying to use Edge and MicrosoftWebDriver.exe through Selenium

I created a script in Python, which scraps the Altium's website and gathers information regarding license usage. At this moment, I am using ChromeDriver, but I sometimes get errors due to the network being slow at different times of the day. I used…
1 answer

Microsoft Edge driver different element results

I am currently using an automation tool which uses Chrome/Firefox/IE and I want to implement Edge with it. However, Edge seems to return different results from the elements. Example: Chrome/Firefox/IE return "Username *" and Edge returns "Username…
1 answer

EdgeDriverManager MAC can not parse correct version by WebDriverManager

I faced some issue downloading msedgedriver from by WebDriverManager. For example my installed version - Microsoft Edge is up to date. Version 80.0.361.111 (Official build)…
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