Questions tagged [select2]

Select2 is a jQuery plugin that gives you a customizable select box with support for searching, tagging, remote data sets, infinite scrolling, and many other highly useful options.

The jQuery replacement for select boxes.

Select2 gives you a customizable select box with support for searching, tagging, remote data sets, infinite scrolling, and many other highly useful options.

788 questions
1 answer

Select2 dropdown wrong position

I am working with Select2 library (version 4.0.1), but I have strange position of the dropdown of the select. You can see on the image below. You can see that select2 dropdown overlaps the select area and I can see in the example in the…
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1 answer

select2 options have same index id

I have a select2 select menu working (states from remote geobytes), but I can't select options with the same index id. For example, if I search for "new" I get some options and I can select the first option New Albany, IN. Then, if I type "far", the…
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3 answers

how to apply select2 in Yii2 dropdown list

In yii2 basic ActiveForm i have added a drop-down list and in it used the "options" array to add my attributes .i want to add select2 in my drop-down but it is not working .i have searched on web and found this method of "options" array i have used…
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Select2 Control Not Working inside html Table

I placed two select2 controls in a page. One outside a table and the other inside it. With the code following, only the one outside the table works fine but the one inside does not at all. (Nothing happens when the control is clicked). HTML
Kacey Ezerioha
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1 answer

Display field from database into select2 multiple

I have a field in the database, which the column will later be shown on jquery select2 using PHP, i will ask for all of ,how do I display into jquery select2 ? sorry for my bad english
2 answers

How to send onkeyup input to symfony controller

I'm using tetranz/select2entity-bundle to impliment Select2 with Symfony2 So my form became like that: $builder->add('nom', Select2EntityType::class, [ 'remote_route' => 'find_tags', 'class' => 'Emploi\AppBundle\Entity\Tags', …
1 answer

Select2 go to href link

I'm using Select2 js library but I can't not put the links into the select options. Here is my json structure [{id: 1, title: "Foo", slug: "foo"}] And my select2 script $(".search-box").select2({ placeholder: "Enter...", ajax: { …
2 answers

select2 tag box does not work once loaded through onclick event

In my page there is a select box that uses select2 library. All I want to do is to add more of the select box once a button is clicked. For this I tried the below code:
Kamrul Khan
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1 answer

Why do Javascript events differ from actual user events?

Why do Javascript events differ from actual user events? I'm trying to update a select2 input from javascript. If I use... $('#s2id_autogen12').val("Single").trigger("input"); select the value "single" from the a select2 input, the value…
2 answers

select2 values not changing on angular model changed

i am unable to change selected values inside select2 in my controller. i have ajax call where data.Tab returning as…
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1 answer

Select2 - how to set placeholder when callback has no value

I want to set initial value in my select2, However if there is no initial value I want to set placeholder instead of value. Here is my code: Javascript : $(".neighborhood").select2({ language: "en", placeholder: "Find your region ...", …
Farzan Najipour
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1 answer

Select2.min.js dropdown is not working

IN this image select2 js (multi select is not working..) hello Everyone, Problem:- I have use select2.min.js for multiple selection in drop down, its perfectly working in mozilla firefox but its does't working in chrome. please provide me solution…
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3 answers

select2 not displaying array data properly

i have this function to generate data public function ajax_get_kota($idProv='') { $kota = $this->registrasi_model->get_nama_kota($idProv); // echo json_encode(array_values($kota)); $data = array(); foreach($kota as $k){ …
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1 answer

Preloaded values in select2 where multiple select2 is initialised with same class

I am using multiple select2 on one page having multiSelect class on all elements and initialising select2 on all elements with one call $('.multiSelect').select2();
Gaurav Aggarwal
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