Questions tagged [select2]

Select2 is a jQuery plugin that gives you a customizable select box with support for searching, tagging, remote data sets, infinite scrolling, and many other highly useful options.

The jQuery replacement for select boxes.

Select2 gives you a customizable select box with support for searching, tagging, remote data sets, infinite scrolling, and many other highly useful options.

788 questions
2 answers

How can I use 'multiple select boxes' option in Select2 without ability to enter text?

When you use the select2 'Multiple select boxes' option it gives you the option to enter text. I want to remove this functionality so the user can only click/touch the options available and the text cursor doesn't show up. You can see the 'Multiple…
thomas jaunism
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select2, unhide the already selected value

I am using Select2 drop down to allow multiple selections but it is removing the selected value from the drop-down list. How can I disable that? I want to show all the values in the drop-down. xyz.select2({ formatResult: formatElement, …
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1 answer

How to overwrite z-index for one of the select2.js element?

I have 4 elements (element 1 is in fixed header and elements 2,3,4 in my form) of which i have applied select2 (customisable select box with support for searching). but elements 2,3,4 are overlapping the element 1, i need to set z-index only for the…
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1 answer

post value to dependent dropdown menu when page is loaded

After searching this site, found a way to make dependent dropdown menu using ajax easily (used "kartik dependent dropdown" plugin before, but it doesn't work with select2, so custom solution was needed). I can get dependent (child) dropdown menu…
Mindaugas Li
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0 answers

Select2 ver.2.6.4 plugin for oracle Apex ver.5.0.3

When I import the plugin into my workspace on oracle apex ver 5.0.3 no error occurs. Then I try to use the item plugin in a modal window in my project. If it is checked for lazy loading, nothing appears on window. If it is not checked for lazy…
1 answer

Select2 does not show the set value

There is a select2 element : $(document).ready(function() { ... …
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how to implement infinite scroll (paging) with remote data with angularjs?

I want to achieve the same effect of select2 in angularjs: enter link description here It seems somebody has already raised a similiar issue, but has not been adressed by the angular-ui-select team. Is there any way I can achieve this?
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1 answer

Aria attributes not be added to results

I am using select 2 version 4.0.2 and have created a select to look up remote data via ajax. I am getting the data ok but when the results are rendered, the aria-selected attribute is not being added and therefore I can not select any of the…
Ross Mills
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2 answers

Element not showing/hiding as expected with jquery

I have some javascript that shows and hides some help text. Works fine every time unless there is a select2 field present. HTML:
1 answer

Cannot read property 'disabled' of undefined

I am having an angular JS application. In this I have a dropdown in which I can create a new option by typing and pressing enter key. However when I press enter key I get some JS exceptions Here is the exception TypeError: Cannot read property…
1 answer

how to get live event on sonata Admin and Select2 jquery

I added this example to my sonata admin page. I try to get the live event on select2 change status, but I can't get the event: no js error, nothing in the console. How do I get the event on select2 in a sonata-admin edit page? EDIT: the page…
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1 answer

Meteor Autoform Select2 add on the fly

I want to be able to add a tag on the fly to a tags collection, using autoform and select2, similar to this example from select2. I have already created a tags collection which I can add to it from it's…
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1 answer

select2 remove tag_list item

Trying to get Select2 to remove an item and figure out why it keeps adding a new tag on update. Using Select2.JS V3.5 Followed ActiveAdmin / Select2 example When I try to delete an item, it does not remove it. It also ends up combining the tag list…
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Chained Select2 whith ajax json values

Have some problems to populate a Select2 with json data retrieved by ajax. I check all samples from Select2-Github-AjaxData and other from StackOverFlow so always have same problem... the Json retrieved can't update next select2. Some tries i use…
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1 answer

Select2 feature test with Capybara

I'm trying to write a rspec feature test with capybara but, I have some trouble with a test on a select2 element. see my test code. Using feature test with capybara feature "Backend Landing Pages" do let!(:landing_page) { create(:landing_page,…