Questions tagged [select2]

Select2 is a jQuery plugin that gives you a customizable select box with support for searching, tagging, remote data sets, infinite scrolling, and many other highly useful options.

The jQuery replacement for select boxes.

Select2 gives you a customizable select box with support for searching, tagging, remote data sets, infinite scrolling, and many other highly useful options.

788 questions
1 answer

Select2 bootstrap styling issue

I have below issues for my select2 box. 1) I want to change the background-color to white of previously selected item. For eg when you open the select box and then hover on the next item the previous selected item has a background-color grey, which…
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2 answers

select2 tags with no names

I'm using this bit of code to apply the tags of selections made on a previous page which were saved to the db. It creates the tags but does not put the text in them just puts a X to remove it. selected is an array of possible locations. i.e…
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1 answer

select2 is not working

My select2 is not working. It just shows up with multiple selectbox
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1 answer

select2 and sheepit jquery plugins are not working together

select2 and sheepit are not working together. i have tried with chosen, chosen also isn't working with sheepit. Do you have any opinion for this?
1 answer

How do I change select2 box height (bootstrap)

How do I change the height of the field? (I do not have the code, it is infeasible. I took the example of this site: )
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