Questions tagged [search-engine]

A search engine is program that searches documents for specified keywords and returns a list of the documents where the keywords were found.

A search engine is a program that searches documents for specified keywords and returns a list of the documents where the keywords were found.

Although search engine is really a general class of programs, the term is often used to specifically describe systems like Google, Yahoo!, Yandex and Excite that enable users to search for documents on the World Wide Web and USENET newsgroups.

2893 questions
1 answer

How do I use a wildcard to block bots from indexing this?

I have the following URL format: I want to block any bots from indexing any page with the url /page/*/embed I'm assuming there's some way to do wildcard URL block, but just not sure how to do it in this particular case.
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1 answer

Google indexed my domain anyway?

I have a robots.txt like below but Google has still indexed my domain. Basically they've indexed but not UserAgent: * Disallow: / I mean how can I go back further than / which I thought was the root of…
Sean H Jenkins
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2 answers

Search engine to provide xml file with results

i would like to know if there's any chance to get the results of a search engine in xml format - to be used in Java, parsing , for instance. I know Google does not provide that but you can work on it a little more difficult. Is something else more…
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1 answer

Error( the type or namespace name Data View could not be found)

adsSearch.FilterExpression = string.Format("[Product Title] = '{0}'", TextBox1.Text); DataView dv = (DataView)adsSearch.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); if (dv.Count > 0) { args.IsValid = false; } else { …
Kay Lee
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0 answers

Mod rewritten pages not being index by search engines, have I coded this incorrectly?

I've recently added some mod rewrite rules to my site, and they function exactly as I need, but the pages aren't being found by google or bing after multiple crawls. I also used a sitemap generator and it couldn't find my mod rewritten pages…
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0 answers

Remove Page from being indexed in Google, Yahoo, Bing

I have a page that I do not want indexed on Google, Yahoo, Bing. Is: meta name="robots" content="noindex" The sure way of preventing the page from being indexed?
Nate Pet
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2 answers

Search automatically in a search engine

I need to write a program to be able to search a word in the web using a search engine like Google or Bing. For example I need to give it a word like "Steve Jobs" and save all the first 1000 pages on my PC. Is there any way to do this?
Masood Delfarah
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1 answer

Making a search engine using Google to show search results from selected websites

I want to make a search engine which will use Google to search all the results but the difference will be that it will show results only from the websites which I select i.e. the search results will be from the selected websites whom I approve…
Chankey Pathak
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1 answer

Integrating Surround Query Parser

I want to Run surround query . Downloading from Moved the lucene-surround-2.4.1.jar to /apache-solr-3.1.0/example/lib Edit the solrconfig.xml with
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2 answers

Robots.txt - how to set a rule to not index pages with parameters

We recently added a new section to our webpage. Essentially it's a shopping product catalog that allows for filtering of different attributes - helping the visitor whittle down the results to what it is they need. The parameters are passed into a…
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1 answer

what this `^` mean here in solr

I am confuse her but i want to clear my doubt. I think it is stupid question but i want to know. Use a TokenFilter that outputs two tokens (one original and one lowercased) for each input token. For queries, the client would need to expand any…
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1 answer

Storage of sparse numerical data (e.g. inverted index) - any conventions?

Is there an accepted way of storing and accessing sparse numerical data (such as a search engine's inverted index / term by document matrix)? An RDBMS seems inappropriate for this kind of data, but it would be good to have it stored in some kind of…
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1 answer

ASP.NET Site Search Engine

On my ASP.NET web application, there is a search form which redirects the user to a page such as: /Search.aspx?q=query_text On this page, I want to display search results from the site pages. What is the best way of doing this? Would I be better…
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3 answers

What will be the fastest way to implement a good search on my site?

Say I have a site like stackoverflow. I need to add a search functionality, I need it to be good. I don't care if I have to add a logo (like if I am using a google search). What options do I have, with minimum of development and minimum server type…
Itay Moav -Malimovka
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1 answer

how to store in SOLR (mini) relational data

My data set is title, description and tags. I would like to store and index in the SOLR the tag_name and their relative tag_id. As can be understood, each record has one title, one description bt many tag names + tag ids. I guess I can store the…
Itay Moav -Malimovka
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