Questions tagged [scala-ide]

The Scala IDE is the Eclipse plugin for Scala

The Scala IDE is the Eclipse plugin for Scala.

The official homepage is

To raise bugs against the Scala IDE, see Assembla bug tracker.

If you wish to contribute to scala-ide, see scala-ide on github.

341 questions
2 answers

Viewing Scaladoc in Eclipse

In Eclipse I have set the Javadoc Location property of my Scala project to file:/D:/EclipseWorkspace/MyProject/target/scala-2.9.1/api where D:/EclipseWorkspace/MyProject is the location of my scala project. Now, if I am in a Scala file that…
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2 answers

Using SBT from Scala IDE

The path from SBT to Scala-IDE is well described in many places: Start with an SBT project Add the SBT plugin definition: addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbteclipse" % "sbteclipse-plugin" % "2.1.0-RC1") Run the 'eclipse' command from within SBT Open…
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2 answers

Why do I get `java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: scala/Function1` when I run my code in ScalaIDE?

Here is a simple test I'm using to invoke a Scala method from Java: public static void main(String args[]) { java.util.Map> rec = news.recommend.DriverObj.runTest(); System.out.println(rec.toString()); } Here…
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5 answers

JDT weaving is currently disabled

I just installed Eclipse standard 4.4 Luna, and after installing the Scala IDE and friends I get JDT Weaving is currently disabled. The Scala IDE needs JDT Weaving to be active, or it will not work correctly. Activate JDT Weaving and Restart…
Eric Kolotyluk
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5 answers

How to attach sources to SBT managed dependencies in Scala IDE?

I'm using Scala IDE 2.0.1 and SBT 0.11.2 to start with Akka 2.0.1. My build.sbt looks like this: name := "akka" version := "0.1" scalaVersion := "2.9.2" resolvers += "Typesafe Repository" at…
Christian Schlichtherle
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12 answers

Scala project won't compile in Eclipse; "Could not find the main class."

I have installed Eclipse 3.5.2 and today's Scala plugin from /update-current (that's Scala 2.8 final.) I can compile and run Scala projects consisting of a single singleton object that implements main(). But, if a project contains more classes, I…
Thomas Heywood
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2 answers

Errors in Eclipse for Scala project generated by Play Framework

I would like to use Eclipse as IDE for a Scala web application using Play Framework. I downloaded Eclipse 3.6.2. Then I installed Scala IDE 2.0 (beta) for Eclipse. I downloaded Play Framework 1.2.2RC1 and installed the Scala Module using play…
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2 answers

Run SBT Task from Eclipse

I am using SBT as a build manager, and Eclipse as my IDE, or at least I want to. The problem is more, how do I run specific SBT tasks from Eclipse. I have properly exported the project to Eclipse, and Eclipse is very helpful while writing the code,…
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11 answers

Eclipse not recognizing Scala code

I have Eclipse Indigo with the Scala IDE plugin. I downloaded a lift project from Maven. It builds correctly. Eclipse says it is viewing it with the Scala editor. However, it is still giving my an error on each line because it is treat the code…
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6 answers

Scala IDE 4.0.0 thinks there's errors in an out-of-the-box Play Framework 2.3.7 program

I've created a Play Framework program via Typesafe Activator (so it follows the template exactly). I used sbteclipse-plugin version 3.0.0 to create an Eclipse project and imported that into Scala IDE 4.0.0. These are all the latest versions at the…
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11 answers

What is the current state of the Scala Eclipse plugin?

Is the current Scala Eclipse plugin ( usable? I keep reading that its unstable and buggy, even unusable. See previous thread: What is the current state of tooling for Scala? I've tried it out briefly but only for…
Alex Black
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1 answer

Breakpoints from Scala Worksheet?

I'd like to perform source-level debugging when executing a Scala worksheet. Since worksheets are evaluated automatically when saved, I can't use the "debug as" menu option like I would a normal project or file. Is there a way to configure…
Jeff Axelrod
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4 answers

spark build path is cross-compiled with an incompatible version of Scala (2.10.0)

When i try to execute sparksql code in scala IDE im getting below error,Could anyone help me to sort out this please? spark build path is cross-compiled with an incompatible version of Scala (2.10.0). In case this report is mistaken, this check can…
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4 answers

Scala IDE (Eclipse) Run as Scala Application

I'm relatively new to the scala language (and programming in general). I recently installed the JDK and the Scala IDE (for eclipse). The setup went smoothly, but I encountered an issue upon trying to run a Hello World application. When I attempt to…
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1 answer

How to stop program execution in worksheet?

How can program execution be stopped in the Scala worksheet ? If code is executing and does not return (an infinite loop) it does not seem possible to stop the program execution without re-starting Eclipse ?
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