Questions tagged [scala-ide]

The Scala IDE is the Eclipse plugin for Scala

The Scala IDE is the Eclipse plugin for Scala.

The official homepage is

To raise bugs against the Scala IDE, see Assembla bug tracker.

If you wish to contribute to scala-ide, see scala-ide on github.

341 questions
9 answers

Scala Error: Could not find or load main class in both Scala IDE and Eclipse

Here is my problem, I know there are lots of answers for similar questions, however none of them worked after I tried. I'm using both Scala IDE 4.6 and eclipse Oxygen to run the code and all failed on this error. Here's my scala compiler…
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9 answers

Error: Could not find or load main class org.test.spark.streamExample

I was trying to execute sample basic sparkstreaming example in Scala IDE, but I am getting below error: Error: Could not find or load main class org.test.spark.streamExample. Could anyone help me to sort out this please.
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3 answers

Printing the results of Futures in Scala Worksheet

I'm taking the Reactive programming course on Coursera and when doing one of the assignments I came across something weird. Anyways I added a few methods to the Future Companion object via this extension implicit class FutureCompanionOps[T](val f:…
Kartik Aiyer
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1 answer

Access configuration resources in Scala IDE

Some of my colleagues use Eclipse 3.7.2 and Scala IDE 2.1 for development. I want to use typesafe's config module for applicaton configuration. I want to use the convention based default configuration location. According to the examples and…
Sean Glover
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2 answers

Scala+Android: Is anybody successfully building and debugging in Eclipse?

So far, the only way I've been able to debug within Eclipse is to use Treeshaker with Scala IDE's buggy 2.8 branch. If I try to build with Scala IDE without Treeshaker, I get ClassNotFound errors per this long thread on scala-on-android. Ideally I…
Jeff Axelrod
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2 answers

Eclipse: How can I install an older plugin version from an update site?

I want to determine if downgrading one of my Eclipse plugins to the previous version fixes the problem I have. I was wondering if there is a general method using the plugin's Eclipse update site that I can use Eclipse's install GUI to install an…
Jeff Axelrod
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1 answer

Flink Scala API "not enough arguments"

I'm having troubles using Apache Flink Scala API For example, even when I take the examples from the official documentation, the scala compiler gives me tons of compilation errors. Code: object TestFlink { def main(args: Array[String]) { …
Alexey Grigorev
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1 answer

Code completion issues with the Scala-IDE and Eclipse Juno

I'm using Eclipse Juno with the Java (Java build 1.7.0_05-b05 64bit) and Scala-IDE plugin (Scala IDE for Eclipse 2.1.0.nightly-2_09-201207100348-f1d9c23 Below are my custom settings for…
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2 answers

Adding and removing dependencies with SBT and Scala IDE

I've been experimenting with SBT and the Scala IDE (Eclipse) and I'm wondering - what's the standard workflow for adding and removing dependencies from your build.sbt file where the project's referenced libraries will be updated in Eclipse? Are…
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2 answers

Scala Eclipse plugin doesn't show mouse hover documentation

I just installed the Scala IDE Eclipse plugin with a fresh install of Eclipse Indigo. I followed the getting started youtube video on the main page on a fresh installation of Indigo. Instead of showing the complete documentation for…
Jeff Axelrod
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2 answers

Scala IDE error - "projectname" is not a Scala project -

I have installed latest scala ide plugin to eclipse (Version: 3.4.2). It seems installation is ok without any errors. I am able to create a scala project and add a package, but i couldn't add scala object, at the time it shows "projectname" is not…
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1 answer

Scala eclipse plugin java.lang.ClassNotFoundException

I am using eclipse Version: 3.7.2 with the Scala IDE for Eclipse 2.1.0.nightly-2_09-201203121521-6e8582e. The java version is 1.6.0_31. The OS is Ubuntu 11.10. I have looked for solutions to this problem, but I have not found one yet. I hope there…
Julio Garcia
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2 answers

How to create Scala project in proper way?

I would like to create project in scala, with proper directory structure, test directory etc. I'm completly new in Java stuff, so please tell me how to do it? Which tools (maven?) should I use? How to place test and configure them to see my project…
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1 answer

What is the difference between .sc and .scala file?

I am learning scala and got know that we can save scala file using two extensions, that is and my.scala. Here is the sample file which i created: my.scala object My { /** Our main function where the action happens */ def main(args:…
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6 answers

'java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed' Error while starting Scala-IDE(Eclipse)

I am new to eclipse. Please excuse me if I am wrong about something. I've downloaded Scala IDE for eclipse 4.6.1. I've extracted the contents and tried to launch eclipse. Initially there was a problem with maven: 'Failed to read artifact descriptor…
Hemanth Annavarapu
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