Questions tagged [sbt-scalaxb]

Mark questions specific to sbt-scalaxb — the scalaxb sbt plugin.

4 questions
0 answers

scalaxb error: Method reads's code too large

I'm using scalaxb with scalaxb-sbt to generate the hl7 FHIR specification classes from the provided XSD files. I get the following errors: [error] Could not write class hl7/org/fhir/XMLProtocol$DefaultHl7orgfhir_BackboneElementableFormat because it…
Daniel Severo
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1 answer

How to use Scalaxb Async Client

In my current project, I have to implement a client to call a SOAP service. I chose to use ScalaXB in order to generate the client and its model from WSDL files. I managed to compile the project and generate the model but I am stuck in making HTTP…
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1 answer

Scalaxb ignore unknown fields

When your server have added new fields for response your client will fail if we don't let scalaxb know to ignore unknown fields its like @JsonIgnore in jackson.
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1 answer

scalaxb fails when an element and an attribute at the same level having the same name

I am trying to use the sbt-scalaxb to generate bindings for the FixRepository.xsd and it does not like the SUBJ. As a last resort, of cause, I can to slightly change the schema, but is there maybe a way to tune the sbt-scalaxb to understand the…
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