Questions tagged [xml-binding]

XML data binding refers to a means of representing information in an XML document as an object in computer memory. This allows applications to access the data in the XML from the object rather than using the DOM or SAX to retrieve the data from a direct representation of the XML itself.

88 questions
13 answers

Remove 'standalone="yes"' from generated XML

Do you know of a JAXB setting to prevent standalone="yes" from being generated in the resulting XML?
Johan Pelgrim
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8 answers

JAXB and property ordering

I want the serialized XML output from my Java class to honor the ordering of the properties in the Java class. It seems that JAXB orders alphabetically. I can override this by using @XmlType with propOrder and specifying ALL of the properties, but I…
andy hallam
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1 answer

What is JAXB and JAXRS ? How are they related?

Sorry for this blunt question . But many use these 2 terms day in and day out yet I don't know .I did some study on this and knew what it is separately . But don't understand how it is related . I will share what I understood about these two first…
Harish Kayarohanam
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1 answer

JAXB @XmlAttribute @XmlValue real example

I'm new to JAXB and have troubles with conversion from XML to a Java class instance. I have the following XML: client Greeting 1000 Your…
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2 answers

Mapping XML to an object in Java

Suppose I have a class called Test, like this public class Test { private String testId; private String description; private String department; public Test() {} public Test(String id,String des,String dpt) { …
Waqas Ali
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3 answers

Generate XML Schema with documentation

Is there a way to generate XML Schema(xsd) with documentation( / ) from javadoc comments in classes? I know the reverse is possible (i.e generation classes with javadoc comments from xsd with comments). Please…
Sahil Dave
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1 answer

distinct XML mapping/binding on the same Java object

I have a Java application interoperable with several others information systems A same object could be mapped in differents XML files according to the information system targeted My question is : Is there a Java solution to perform serveral XML…
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1 answer

Jaxb POJOs generation with Inheritance

I want to generate the POJOs using the xml-binding with a different hierarchy that I have right now. Now I have an xsd like this one:
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1 answer

How to get XmlElement name in list of XmlElements

I am getting XML from a REST service that looks like: 1 1970-01-01 78.67 2 1450-09-17 24.56
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2 answers

How to correctly use GenerateDS for DDEX XML binding

I am interested in Python XML binding for reading input files conforming to this schema: This XSD depends on a number of other ones though, most importantly:…
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2 answers

JiBX: How do I keep using interfaces in my code?

How can I keep my using interfaces in classes I want to use JiBX binding with? Example: I have this very simple model in java: public interface A { B getB(); void setB(B b); } public interface B { String getData(); void…
Ran Biron
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1 answer

Where has the XML Data Binding Wizard in Delphi XE2 gone?

Embarcadero help indicates that the XML Data Binding Wizard is also in XE2 (as well as XE and earlier) but I cannot see it (on two machines). Has it moved? Did it not get into XE2 yet? Is there a file I can add to install it? I can continue to…
Brian Frost
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1 answer

Problem in generating complex types while using XML Data Binding

I am using XML Data Mapping and having a problem with generating complex types while using it. If i am having an XML like below its working fine
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4 answers

How to bind xml to bean

In my application i use some API via HTTP and it returns responces as xml. I want automaticaly bind data from xml to beans. For example bind following xml: 123456 123456 to this bean (maybe with…
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1 answer

Choosing framework for XML persistency

I need to choose a framework for XML persistency of some java classes in our application. My requirements are: 1. I start from java classes, not from schema 2. Using annotations for customization 3. Ability to generate schema. Until now only JAXB…
Pavel Bernshtam
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