Questions tagged [saving-data]

322 questions
1 answer

When I try to save user record to db in node, only id is saved

I have a problem with saving user's data to MongoDB; save function saves only user's id and also when I log user before trying to save it, I get only id too. When I log req.body I get all the data. I guess the problem is somewhere in instancing…
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Converting a audio file into a spectrogram then saving the data of the spectrogram into a txt file

Im doing a CNN to reconize birds sounds, i know how to get the image of the spectrogram from a wav audio and save it, but ploting 46k images is taking too long, someone told me to save the data of the spectrogram into a txt file, and it can train…
1 answer

Save system in command pattern

I have a problem with saving tasks for my employees in Unity, c#. I have their tasks implemented like a command pattern with a method(coroutine) as the task algorithm. Now I have to save their tasks to disk and load them later to resume…
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Pandas changing number when I save a DataFrame as CSV (python3)

I'm running this piece of code: df = pd.read_csv("./teste/teste_1.csv", sep=";") df.fillna(0, inplace=True) a = df['Total'] = df['A'] + df['B'] + df['C'] + df['D'] + df['E'] print(df) df.to_csv("./teste/9table.csv",…
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How to save and load array of objects - Swift 4

Here is my code from my app called Reminders: Folder Class: class Folder { var name: String var labelName: String var imageName : String var colour : ColourTheme var colourArray : Array var maxNumOfPages : Int …
1 answer

Updating the txt file to check while python is saving the data into it

In some codes like MCMC it lasts for hours and maybe days to finish. Now I am wondering how can see the outputs which are saving in a text file while Python is running. Because in my code checking the whole outputs in txt file is possible only after…
Ma Y
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Is it good to save database connections in xml file

I am on a general scenario of deploying my database application on my client's computer. Thinking of future problem of changing the database connection setting, i am planning to store it in a normal xml file in the app directory so that where…
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Saving just model & weights in Keras (in single file)

I have Python code that generates a deep convolutional neural network using Keras. I'm trying to save the model, but the result is gigantic (100s of MBs). I'd like to pare that down a bit to make something more manageable. The problem is that…
Adam Smith
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what file extension do i use with nskeyedarchiver

I am writing an app that uses NSKeyedArchiver to save its data. Should my file be ishotTrack.plist or ishotTrack.arch?
Blane Townsend
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cakephp set field in this->data to a related field in database

I am trying to upload multiple images using meioupload which works fine if I set image.1.field and then image.2.field for each field of data. Then loop through and create/save rather than saveall. My problem comes when I have field which is used as…
Nick Martin
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Saving class data containing pyqt objects

I'm building a PyQt app and I'm quite beginner with python. Let's say I store an obj item in a defined class: class Item (self): def __init__(self, item_nbr, crop_pixmap, originepoint, designation): self.item_nbr = item_nbr #…
Sylvain Page
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How do you save data with NSKeyedArchiver?

Hi, I am trying to save an object from a class I have created. It is called shot and Contains 5 variables I wish to save. Here is the .h file--- It cut off NSCoding and NSMutableCopying Protocals and my imports, but they are there. #import…
Blane Townsend
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2 answers

How to save a custom Google Map (API)?

I have a Google Maps interface on my website which allows people to drop and place various custom markers etc. Is there any way of allowing people to save these? or for them to be copied onto a unique link in the website that the user can access?
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Locating a saved file in android studio

I have recently begun a project which involves me saving a string of results from my android application to the internal storage of my phone. This is the code that I have used to do this: case String fileName =…
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Changing NSUserDefaults class properties after save (Swift)

Say I have a custom object defined as such: class Person { firstName:String, lastName:String, age:Int } After releasing an app version, say I wanted to add a gender:String property. How would I do this even though the current class does not…
Matt Butler
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