Questions tagged [archive]

A location or file that stores other files or data, normally accompanied by compression, encryption, sorting or organizing.

An archive is a place that you can store files or other data for storage or for sorting.

Archives can be a number of things such as a Database or a Zip or Cab file.

Normally the archive that you place the files or data into, gives you some sort of functionality such as encryption, compression or data querying functionality.

2263 questions
28 answers

Shell command to tar directory excluding certain files/folders

Is there a simple shell command/script that supports excluding certain files/folders from being archived? I have a directory that need to be archived with a sub directory that has a number of very large files I do not need to backup. Not quite…
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27 answers

How to create a zip archive of a directory in Python?

How can I create a zip archive of a directory structure in Python?
Martha Yi
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20 answers

How do I tar a directory of files and folders without including the directory itself?

I typically do: tar -czvf my_directory.tar.gz my_directory What if I just want to include everything (including any hidden system files) in my_directory, but not the directory itself? I don't want: my_directory --- my_file --- my_file ---…
25 answers

How to create a zip archive with PowerShell?

Is it possible to create a zip archive using PowerShell?
Valentin V
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12 answers

iOS how to set app icon and launch images

How do I set the images so that I can archive and validate my app? The screen looks like this now: So the first one says 29pt, but then it also says 2x. So do I put a 29x29 image or a 58x58 image? And where do I put all of the other ones? (I know…
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4 answers

Xcode - But... Where are our archives?

I've submitted three versions of my app onto the App Store using the Build and Archive commands. But... Where are those archives? I've just learnt that I just need them to be able to read crashlogs. My ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives folder is…
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6 answers

Tar archiving that takes input from a list of files

I have a file that contain list of files I want to archive with tar. Let's call it mylist.txt It contains: file1.txt file2.txt ... file10.txt Is there a way I can issue TAR command that takes mylist.txt as input? Something like tar -cvf…
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5 answers

Create a tar.xz in one command

I am trying to create a .tar.xz compressed archive in one command. What is the specific syntax for that? I have tried tar cf - file | xz file.tar.xz, but that does not work.
George K.
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4 answers

Archive the artifacts in Jenkins

Could someone please explain to me the idea of artifacts in the build process? I have the workspace directory where I check out the code to compile and run my ant scripts etc. At the end, in my case, I get a jar file that's ready to install. Is that…
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16 answers

Why do people use tarballs?

As a primarily Windows developer, perhaps I'm missing something cultural in the Linux community, but it has always confused me. When downloading something that the files are first put into a .tar archive then zipped. Why the two-step process?…
Brian Sullivan
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5 answers

In LINUX determine if a .a library/archive 32-bit or 64-bit?

We distribute in Linux a static lib in both 64-bit and 32-bit versions. When troubleshooting a customer, I would like my diagnostic shell script to quickly eliminate the issue by checking the .a archive file to detetmine whether it is 32 or 64 bit.…
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4 answers

Python in-memory zip library

Is there a Python library that allows manipulation of zip archives in memory, without having to use actual disk files? The ZipFile library does not allow you to update the archive. The only way seems to be to extract it to a directory, make your…
John B
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10 answers

Zip folder in C#

What is an example (simple code) of how to zip a folder in C#? Update: I do not see namespace ICSharpCode. I downloaded ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll but I do not know where to copy that DLL file. What do I need to do to see this namespace? And do…
13 answers

Compression formats with good support for random access within archives?

This is similar to a previous question, but the answers there don't satisfy my needs and my question is slightly different: I currently use gzip compression for some very large files which contain sorted data. When the files are not compressed,…
John Zwinck
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8 answers

How do I extract a tar file in Java?

How do I extract a tar (or tar.gz, or tar.bz2) file in Java?
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