Questions tagged [saving-data]

322 questions
3 answers

Best way to save data in Unity game

I was wondering... What's the best way to save data in Unity games. JSONs? If so, how? Thanks
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Saving data on Android : File Storage vs SQLite Database vs Shared Preferences

This title makes me wonder on what is most suited feature in saving medium to large data on a specific application. I know there is a recent questions that i have seen on Stackoverflow regarding on saving data with these feature but I want to know,…
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How to encode and decode a custom class with NSKeyedArchiver

I have a custom class that I wish to save and load. The class contains an NSDate, an NSString, and an NSNumber. I have implemented the NSCoding protocol in the .h file. Here is the code I have so far. theDate is an NSDate. theName is the NSString.…
1 answer

How to save tags/keywords from array to database with php?

I saw this question: how to save tags(keywords) in database? Good answer for how the database should be structured. But which way is best to do the saving process in php? A process that handles both adding and deleting. The keywords are posted as an…
Peter Westerlund
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wrong results when saving and loading weights/model in Keras

I can't post the code I am using, but i will try to explain it. First I have defined a few functions to preprocess the raw data. Then, using keras I have the following arquitecture: model = Sequential() model.add(Dense(10, input_dim=230,…
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Create new directory in Julia for each run

I'm running Julia code which generates a plot and a text file. There exists an "Output" folder in the same folder where the code in question is located. For the first run, I create a "Run_1" folder, with "Plots" and "Data" subfolders: fig_path =…
Joshuah Heath
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Electron - problem creating file, error "EROFS: read-only file system"

Well, I'm working on a certain app that would improve work in the company. For this I would need to create, save and read a file without a dialog box. I created this code with the help of documentation and the Internet: const electron =…
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saving a data file in R

I have successfully loaded a .txt file into R. I want to save the data so I can actually actively use it. What is the command for saving a file? Will I save the file to one of the existing packages (UsingR, MASS), or just as a separate file?
Roswitha Blasche
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iptables error in android: iptables-save and iptables-restore not working

I have compiled Linux for android emulator with full netfilter functionality enabled. And got a iptables binary after building android from source. When i push this binary to the emulator i can execute commands like below successfully. iptables…
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Output weka results to text file

I am new to Weka GUI and i want to output a list of correlations on different fields to a .txt file. My arff file is correct. Can anyone help ? I have already managed it using the art writer with the api, but i can't seem to find from where using…
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3 answers

Saving Ajax Form Data Best Practices

I am just wondering what general best practice is for saving data in Ajax Forms. In Spree ECommerce for example, every time you change a value in a list of objects (say you change the quantity of a certain Item in an Order), it updates the database…
Lance Pollard
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NSCoder - Encoding an Array, with multiple levels of nested arrays

I have a mainObjectArray (NSMutableArray) which is populated with instances of a custom class. Each instance is itself an array, and objects in each array are NSDates, NSStrings, BOOL, and more arrays containing similar objects. What I haven't been…
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Save video in every 5 second interval while video recoding is ON (Android OS)

I want to save the video every 5 seconds while the video recording is ON. I have tried many solutions but I am facing a Glitch that is, the Last Saved Frame remains in preview for around 300ms. I think the reason is in MediaRecorder class "Once a…
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1 answer

Best Way to save array of objects in iPhone app.

I have an iPhone program with a table view. The table view gets its data from a NSMutable Array. I want people to be able to add data to that table, i.e add objects to that array. Using addObject and reloadData, I am able to add objects to the…
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2 answers

Using MediaStore.Images.Media to save bitmap in particular folder

I have to save bitmap drawn on canvas to be saved in my own folder. String imgSaved = MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage( getContentResolver(), drawView.getDrawingCache(), UUID.randomUUID().toString() +…
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