Questions tagged [ruby-mqtt]

A Pure Ruby gem that implements the MQTT protocol, a lightweight protocol for publish/subscribe messaging.

8 questions
1 answer

Acknowledgement on publish - MQTT

How to identify whether the publish to a topic was success or not. Is there any way to get acknowledgement on publishing to a topic. If there is any connection loss during publish between the clients(Publisher/Subscriber) how to handle it. I don't…
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1 answer

How to configure Mqtt in Ruby On Rails application

I am using MQTT for an application in which I am working with sensors and time series database. I have written some code which is working properly.I put the connection establishment inside scheduler. When server initializes it will automatically…
0 answers

solution of mqttlens auto zoom in windows 8.1

I have installed mqttlens from google chorme apps. It worked quite well for a couple of week, but recently it appears in zoom when I start it. How can I fix it? .
1 answer

Setting up Paho Javascript Client (MQTT) with mosquitto on AWS EC2 Ubuntu + Ruby on Rails

I have been trying to setup a MQTT broker on my AWS EC2 server, using the port 1883. So far it works with the ruby-mqtt gem, but I am having trouble with setting it up with Paho Javascript Client for the website. What I have done so…
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Ruby: Does paho-mqtt with QOS=1 automatically resend (re-publish) unacknowledged messages for me?

I am using the paho-mqtt gem in ruby. I was wondering if the gem automatically resends (re-publish) the message to the MQTT broker in case PUBACK is not received on client side for some reason, or do I have to do it manually? QOS=1 ex (this is me…
Jeffrey M Castro
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MQTT server to client communication

I want to communicate between server and client using mosca.At first case i subscribe and publish data from client.And receive that data into server.But i face some problem again i want publish the data from server and receive that data from same…
Rahul Dey
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2 answers

Verify that local mosquitto MQTT Broker is bridged to

I have a local (OSX 11) mosquitto broker (1.4.7) running with the following config: connection test address topic in_topic in 0 topic out_topic out 0 try_private false notifications false bridge_attempt_unsubscribe true I got…
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1 answer

Do I need to run Mosquitto to interact with a remote mosquitto broker

I am new to mqtt and would like to get my head around something. I need to get messages from (subscribe to) topics from a remote mosquitto broker. The documentation for the service says I need to run a mosquitto broker on my server. If I…
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