Questions tagged [phpmqtt]

a simple php class to connect/publish/subscribe to a MQTT broker

A simple PHP class to connect/publish/subscribe to an MQTT broker.


22 questions
1 answer

php MQTT subscribe not work

I have installed MQTT broker on my windows machine from I am using for publish and subscribe. Publish works as expected but subscribe did not work. I did…
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phpMQTT non-blocking publish & recieve

I am writing a program connecting a web service in PHP to an MQTT broker. The broker is running Mosquitto on a Raspberry Pi. The idea is to have the web service send a request (a form is submitted) and then send a publish to the MQTT broker and then…
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1 answer

Why Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in phpMQTT file

I have faced a problem when I get data from cloudmqtt. I have downloaded project from this link GitHub. subscribe.php In my subscribe.php file a function name proc called from phpMQTT.php file. This is subscribe.php file code $topics['sensor_data']…
A.A Noman
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0 answers

solution of mqttlens auto zoom in windows 8.1

I have installed mqttlens from google chorme apps. It worked quite well for a couple of week, but recently it appears in zoom when I start it. How can I fix it? .
1 answer

Rabbit MQTT client in PHP?

I am new to MQTT. Can anyone help how to use Rabbitmq mqtt in PHP, I have MQTT broker in cloud so I want to develop based on PHP in my local system. Any library we want to download? Can anyone help on that in Ubuntu?
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Comunication beetwen MQTT and AMQP on RabbitMQ

Im having problems with mqtt and amqp comunication The point is: I have a RabbitMQ instance with the MQTT plugin, i have a mqtt producer/consumer and an AMQP producer/consumer too (using php-amqplib on the symfony RabbitMqBundle) The RabbitMQ…
Ciro Vargas
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1 answer

Object not available in function

I have an application in which I subscribe to a topic on a MQTT broker. When a message is received I need to process the data in the message and post it back to the same broker, on a different topic. I am using the Lightning branch of PHPMQTT as it…
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1 answer

Php mosquitto mqtt client identify client onDisconnect

I am working on PHP project using mosquitto client, I need to check when some user disconnects, and identify the user. I am using code callback function which only contains the reason for disconnect. onDisconnect($callback) function so that I can…
Mostafa Khattab
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1 answer

Keep a MQTT Client Connection always active

I am using CloudMQTT as a MQTT broker in my Pub-Sub based application. I am using my publisher to publish data to the CloudMQTT server over a topic, and I plan to subscribe to the broker on my webpage to recieve the transmitted information. I am…
Ayush Gupta
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2 answers

How to get messages published from a client connected to broker on different ports

We are developing a Mosquitto broker based POC where 3 different MQTT client being used i.e. C, Python and phpMQTT and we need to pass messages between these clients. But phpMQTT client does not implement SSL/TLS which is limiting us to enable SSL…
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1 answer

How can I receive all the messages send to a topic of MQTT to a webpage everytime I load the index?

So I'm new to MQTT and I have to make a "messaging" project that loads all the messages (sent to a certain topic) in my index page without a long load time, I'm working with Yii2 Framework Advanced Project and I've already done the publish code, in…
João Neves
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1 answer

Implement MQTT client using PHP to connect MQTT broker

I'm new to the PHP world, facing problem while connecting to MQTT. I'm using the phpMQTT.php library, and I'm using the IP address to connect to the MQTT broker. I'm trying to publish to MQTT broker, getting error in phpMQTT.php library file The…
Pavan A
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0 answers

Subscriber of MosquittoClient doesn't show single subscribed message in a interval time period

I'm using Mosquitto/Client php library. I have made connected properly between broker and client. When i execute publisher and subscriber then subscriber displays a number of messages but I want to get a single published message when publisher…
Salman Quader
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1 answer

Not able to connect to Mosquitto server using Mosquitto-PHP

I have installed mosquitto broker on a centos server. for communication I installed Mosquitto-PHP library. publisher and subscriber are working fine on the same server but when I am trying to publish message from this centos server and running…
Sujit Verma
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0 answers

How can we use mosquitto to send push notification to android users from web server using php?

Can we use Mosquitto instead of to send push notification to android users from web server using php ? if possible then please explain in detail how ? I read many docs of mosquitto but didn't found that we can…
Sujit Verma
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