Questions tagged [rselenium]

The goal of RSelenium is to make it easy to connect to a Selenium Server/ Remote Selenium Server from within R. RSelenium provides R bindings for the Selenium Webdriver API. Selenium is a project focused on automating web browsers. RSelenium allows you to carry out unit testing and regression testing on your webapps and webpages across a range of browser/OS combinations.

The goal of RSelenium is to make it easy to connect to a Selenium Server/ Remote Selenium Server from within R. RSelenium provides R bindings for the Selenium Webdriver API.

Selenium is a project focused on automating web browsers. See

RSelenium allows you to carry out unit testing and regression testing on your webapps and webpages across a range of browser/OS combinations. This allows us to integrate from within R testing and manipulation of popular projects such as shiny, sauceLabs.

Selenium Server is a standalone java program which allows you to run HTML test suites in a range of different browsers, plus extra options like reporting.

See vignette for more details-

714 questions
3 answers

R: Selenium server signals port = 4567 is already in use

It seems this is a recurrent question, but I haven't found the solution to my problem. I am running the following: link <- '' rD <- rsDriver(verbose = TRUE, port=4567L, browserName = 'chrome', …
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How to scrape data on following url in R?

I am scraping one website for practicing and I have used RVEST to scrape data about products from 250 pages. I have used the code below which worked awesome and I downloaded the data I wanted. Now I want to add another column with the type of the…
1 answer

How to save and import cookies using R + Selenium WebDriver

Is there a R library similar to pickle python library? I'm doing some browsing with Selenium webdriver and I would like to save all cookies at the end of the session and reuse them in the next session. I have thought about implementing in R the…
Mario M.
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What is the difference between rvest::html_text and RSelenium::getPageSource?

I'm scraping a number of webpages, where I noticed the different results that rvest (read_html, then html_text) provides, and the one that RSelenium (getPageSource()) provides. More specifically, when dropdown menus are involved, using html_text…
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4 answers

How to extract text in second p element inside div

I've a div with 2 p tags. I need to get the text of the second of this p elements.

S/ 1,699 (Internet)

S/ 2,399 (Normal)

expected result: S/ 2,399…
Omar Gonzales
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1 answer

"Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead" Error in Rselenium and Geckodriver-firefox

I'm trying to access a page with RSelenium. I wrote my code in R and it is work fine in Chrome and IE. But when I'm using geckodriver, the firefox shows the below message and i recive an error in my R console: Selenium message: Build info: version:…
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0 answers

How to scroll element into view using remDr command in r?

I am trying to scroll until an element is visible on the page so Selenium can double click the element. If the element is not visible, I keep receiving a "Selenium message:(189, 2887) is out of bounds of viewport width (1600) and height (803)" error…
1 answer

Perform right click on element using RSelenium

I'm trying to learn RSelenium in R using Firefox. I can already find the desired element and move mouse over it, but when I try to right-click it, it ends up being left-clicked instead. I tried reading the documentation (?remoteDriver and…
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2 answers

Using RSelenium: Java not found

I'm trying to execute code on R with the package RSelenium to do some webscraping, but I'm blocked at the very first step. After loading the library, I try to run this line of code: rmDr <- rsDriver(browser = "chrome", chromever = 'latest') But…
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0 answers

Can't run RSelenium rsDriver in Shiny app

So I want to have a shiny app that has a button. When that button is clicked I want to use Selenium to scrape some information from some website. This is my sample code: library(shiny) library(RSelenium) ui <- fluidPage( …
1 answer

Launch RSelenium Browser regardless of port open/closed

Question: Is there a function that will open a selenium browser if none is already open, or close the current browser and reset the port and relaunch a browser? Rationale: I work with big loops in RSelenium that occasionally crash, so sometimes I…
Neal Barsch
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Can't set download directory with RSelenium + firefox

I am trying to run RSelenium with the following code (...) eCaps <- makeFirefoxProfile(list( = 2L, = gsub(x = getwd(), pattern = "/", replacement = "\\\\"), …
0 answers

RSelenium Server Issue

I am trying to use RSelenium, so far I used the below code to initiate the Selenium server on my local computer (on my RStudio IDE) and had no problem. But I am now working on an AWS EC2 instance on RStudio and the same code does not work anymore so…
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Establishing a RSelenium Server

I am trying to open a remote driver using the RSelenium package with Chrome driver and encountering the following error: >> library("XML") >> library('RSelenium') >> checkForServer() Warning message: In…
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1 answer

Use R to fill html form and download the resulting file

I spent the day scouring the internet for examples of how to do this, however I'm still spinning in circles and could use a little direction. I am very new to html, have basic R coding experience, and minimal experience with any other coding…
Patrick Shin
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