Questions tagged [rselenium]

The goal of RSelenium is to make it easy to connect to a Selenium Server/ Remote Selenium Server from within R. RSelenium provides R bindings for the Selenium Webdriver API. Selenium is a project focused on automating web browsers. RSelenium allows you to carry out unit testing and regression testing on your webapps and webpages across a range of browser/OS combinations.

The goal of RSelenium is to make it easy to connect to a Selenium Server/ Remote Selenium Server from within R. RSelenium provides R bindings for the Selenium Webdriver API.

Selenium is a project focused on automating web browsers. See

RSelenium allows you to carry out unit testing and regression testing on your webapps and webpages across a range of browser/OS combinations. This allows us to integrate from within R testing and manipulation of popular projects such as shiny, sauceLabs.

Selenium Server is a standalone java program which allows you to run HTML test suites in a range of different browsers, plus extra options like reporting.

See vignette for more details-

714 questions
1 answer

stumped on how to scrape the data from this site (using R)

I am trying to scrape the data, using R, from this site: I can do the following: library(rvest) doc <- html("") but am stumped on how to axtually…
Peter Verbeet
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4 answers

How to fill in an online form and get results back in R

Has anyone ever filled in a web form remotely from R? I'd like to do some archery statistics in R using my scores. There is a very handy webpage, that gives you the classification and handicaps, which I naturally would…
Joanne Demmler
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How to open Google Chrome with RSelenium?

I am using RSelenium and I want to open and navigate Google Chrome. However, I always get an error when I want to open the browser from R. The following code is used: library("RSelenium") startServer() mybrowser <- remoteDriver(browserName =…
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Scraping data from TripAdvisor using R

I want to create a crawler that will scrape some data from Trip Advisor. Ideally, it will (a) identify the links to all locations to crawl, (b) collect links to all attractions in each location and (c) will collect the destination names, dates…
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2 answers

R - Waiting for page to load in RSelenium with PhantomJS

I put together a crude scraper that scrapes prices/airlines from Expedia: # Start the Server rD <- rsDriver(browser = "phantomjs", verbose = FALSE) # Assign the client remDr <- rD$client # Establish a wait for an…
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2 answers

How to set up rselenium for R?

"everything was better back then"... since firefox 49 (?) you can't use the rselenium package not straightforward anymore. I have searched the whole internet to find a SIMPLE How To Manual for setting up rselenium but did not find anything relevant…
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1 answer

Run RSelenium in parallel

How would i go about running RSelenium in parallel. The following is an example using rvest in parallel library(RSelenium) library(rvest) library(magrittr) library(foreach) library(doParallel) URLsPar <- c("",…
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2 answers

Rselenium can't connect to running shiny app

I configured selenium server in docker. It works ok - I can connect to it, but when I want to interact with running local shiny app Rselenium does not see it. Details below: I did step-by-step: I run selenium server: docker run -d -p 4445:4444…
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3 answers

Specify download folder in RSelenium

I am using RSelenium to navigate towards a webpage which contains a button to download a file. I use RSelenium to click this button which downloads the file. However, the files are by default downloaded in my folder 'downloads', whereas I want to…
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How to check if an object is visible in a webpage by using its xpath?

I'm using the RSelenium package in R to do webscraping. Sometimes after loading a webpage, it's required to check if an object is visible in a webpage or not. For example: library(RSelenium) #open a browser RSelenium::startServer() remDr <-…
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3 answers

RSelenium: click on invisible object - ElementNotVisibleException

The main menu of this page (linio) has 11 links. Only interested in 9 (those with gray background and show submenus when hovered). I want to click every single element in the submenu from the 9 options. The desired process is: 1.-First section:…
Omar Gonzales
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1 answer

RSelenium concurrent users for multiple scenarios on Shiny

I am trying to do a charge test with RSelenium on my deployed Shiny application. Several users connect to the adress and do random tasks at the same time. I have searched doParallel but the number of concurrent process is limited by numbers of core…
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1 answer

Exception handling RSelenium switchToFrame() Error: ElementNotVisible

I'm trying to implement exception handling in RSelenium and need help please. Please be aware that I have checked permissions to crawl this page with the robotstxt…
1 answer

RSelenium error: NotConnectedException

There are some questions similar to this one already asked in SO (Question 1), (Question 2), but none of those has received an answer (the last one has a relevant comment by @jdharrison directing the OP to file an issue). This is my problem: I used…
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Extracting underlying data via RSelenium with embedded leaflet svg, and more

I would like to extract information about each ad in this link. Now, I got to the stage where I can automatically click See Ad Details, but there is much underlying data that is not straightforward to wrangle into a neat…
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