Questions tagged [rowversion]

86 questions
8 answers

SQL Server RowVersion/Timestamp - Comparisons

I know that the value itself for a RowVersion column is not in and of itself useful, except that it changes each time the row is updated. However, I was wondering if they are useful for relative (inequality) comparison. If I have a table with a…
David Pfeffer
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2 answers

MVC3 - posting byte array to a controller - Database RowVersion

I am working on an MVC3 application. My client side ViewModel contains a SQL Server RowVersion property, which is a byte[]. It is rendered as an Object array on the client side. When I attempt to post my view model to a controller, the RowVersion…
Garry English
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10 answers

How to query Code First entities based on rowversion/timestamp value?

I've run into a case where something that worked fairly well with LINQ to SQL seems to be very obtuse (or maybe impossible) with the Entity Framework. Specifically, I've got an entity that includes a rowversion property (both for versioning and…
Sixten Otto
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3 answers

SQL Server : RowVersion equivalent in Oracle

Does Oracle has similar datatype to SQL Server's RowVersion? When you insert or update a row, the corresponding Version column(which is of type RowVersion) gets updated automatically. MSDN says about RowVersion: Is a data type that exposes…
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1 answer

SQL MIN_ACTIVE_ROWVERSION() value does not change for a long while

We're troubleshooting a sort of Sync Framework between two SQL Server databases, in separate servers (both SQL Server 2008 Enterprise 64 bits SP2 - 10.0.4000.0), through linked server connections, and we reached to a point in which we're sort of…
4 answers

converting sql server rowversion to long or ulong?

What is the proper type for the rowversion (timestamp) data type? I know it is 8 bytes but i cannot find a link in MSDN which tell if it is a signed or unsigned long. which code should I use, does it even matter? byte[] SqlTimeStamp; long…
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6 answers

How to read timestamp type's data from sql server using C#?

I get the result in .NET like this: var lastRowVersion = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(connStr, CommandType.Text, "select top 1 rowversion from dbo.sdb_x_orginfo order by rowversion desc"); The result is a byte array [0]=…
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3 answers

Rowversion comparison in Entity Framework

How should I compare rowversion fields using Entity Framework? I have one table which has a rowversion column, I want to get data from tables for which the row version is higher than specified value. byte[] rowversion = ... some value; …
bhavesh lad
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2 answers

Does rowversion/timestamp affects performance significantly?

I plan to add to most tables in my DB rowversion to track changes in those tables. I know that adding it will affect performance of queries. Does anyone knows if it affect performance a little bit (few percent slower) or I should not to add…
Marek Kwiendacz
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3 answers

Is rowversion not a valid data type in SQL Server 2008 R2?

Is rowversion not a valid data type in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2? Bonus Chatter i'm trying to add a rowversion column to a table: But when i try to leave the "Data Type" column, SQL Server Management Studio complains Invalid data type. and…
Ian Boyd
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2 answers

RowVersion implementation on Entity Framework for PostgreSQL

I am using Entity Framework 6 with PostgreSQL. I have an entity in which I want to prevent concurrency issues, following this documentation I added a RowVersion property with [Timestamp] attribute, however after saving changes to the entity the…
2 answers

T-SQL "timestamp" overwrites "rowversion" data type column

I am using Miscrosoft SQL Server 2012 and because in this article is said: The timestamp syntax is deprecated. This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan…
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2 answers

How to update a record without changing rowversion

If a table has a rowversion column in it and you make an update to that row, the value of the rowversion column increases. I know that this is by design and the purpose of rowversion columns, however is there any way to make it such that an update…
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2 answers

Adding a nullable rowversion column to a table

I'll keep this short and sweet. I am trying to add a column of type rowversion to an existing table. My thought was that by adding it as NULL, existing rows wouldn't be stamped with a timestamp, but alas they were. If that is the behavior, in what…
Ben Thul
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2 answers

Is there a possible race condition in this UPDATE statement?

I'm writing a synchronizer software which will take all changes in one DB and synchronize them to another DB. To this end I've added in my table T two columns: alter table T add LastUpdate rowversion, LastSync binary(8) not null default 0 Now I can…
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