Questions tagged [rowversion]

86 questions
0 answers

How can I map a row_version column?

I must mapping a row_version column in hibernate, I have a SQL Server database and my table has a row_version column on DB this column is declared as timestamp because for SQL Server a rowversion is a special timestamp. How can I map this column in…
0 answers

Byte[] comparison in Linq enumerable

I'm trying to retrieve SQL records where the rowversion is greater than a certain value. In SQL this is trivial (WHERE RowVersion > x), however not so in Dynamic Linq queries. In my EF model I have applied the Timestamp annotation to the…
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MariaDB stores varbinary field with different value from the original field using PHP PDO

I'm using PHP - PDO to synchronize a SQL Server Table using RowVersion from our ERP to a MariaDB Database (hosting). When I save values in a local (office) MariaDB database version 5.5.56, everything goes fine and data is stored correctly. When I do…
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Entityframework ObjectContext Refresh changed Entities

i am looking for a way of refreshing Entities that changed in the Database. The Entities i want to refresh have a RowVersion [TimeStamp] Property. What i wanna do is refresh all my loaded Entities where the RowVersion in the database is greater…
Manuel Bleimuth
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Audit history of sql child table

I'm recording all insert and update on TaskDetail table using a trigger,Now I want to assign multiple staff to a task, But if staff id stored in different child table how can I track audit history, I have considered storing staff id as comma…
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RowVersion value is not getting binded in form data, mvc 5

I am trying to implement concurrency using EF6 in MVC 5. @Html.HiddenFor(model => model.RowVersion) On my edit page I am able to see the rowversion value in input type hidden.
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Using SQL Server rowversion instead to datetime to track changes

To fetch any record from table that are either inserted or updated, I am using created on date to get inserted records and updated on date to get rows in which any column is updated. Simple select query is: SELECT * FROM [Table] WITH…
2 answers

SQL RowVersion incrementing before data has been augmented in Trigger

I've just started using T-SQL's RowVersion and I've noticed something very interesting. I created a Proc to update a table with a RowVersion column and at the end of this proc I print out a humanreadable date representation of RowVersion. I also…
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How to handle the Sql Version and C# byte array in Linq queries

We use entity framework to store our entities in the database. We use the repository pattern to wrap quite complicated Linq-queries. We want to unit test these queries against simple in memory collections. This is all fine and good until we ran into…
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OpenEdge Database Row Version

I am attempting to implement a row version strategy for tables in our OpenEdge database. The simple solution i have come up with would be to add an integer iRowVersion field to each table and have the write trigger validate and increment the field…
Andrew Stalker
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Delphi TClientDataset SQL Server RowVersion

Does anyone have any experience using SQL Server 's RowVersion column with TClientDataset? Specifically, I need to get the RowVersion value back on insert. It seems to get the RowVersion value back on updates but a newly inserted row it does not.
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2 answers

Exception when updating row with rowversion?

I have a table that looks like this : CREATE TABLE [dbo].[akut_prioritering] ( [behandling_id] [int] NOT NULL, [akutstatus] [int] NOT NULL, [nasta_dag] [bit] NOT NULL, [sort_order] [bigint] NOT NULL, [rowversion] [timestamp] NOT…
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LIKE operator on timestamp column, SQL Server

How can I use LIKE operator on a column having timestamp (rowversion) data type ? Below are the queries I tried but no luck. -- no data is fetched using this SQL SELECT * FROM TAB WHERE tRowVersion LIKE '0x000000000000E05%' -- incorrect syntax near…
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How to replicate SQL Server rowversion behaviour for some fields only

SQL Server version 10.50.4000. I have a table: create table people ( national_id char(16), full_name char(255), last_visited datetime ) I want to add a field that will work exactly like a rowversion field, except: It must update only…
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1 answer

EF 4.1.3 Implenting Rowversion for Concurrency is not working

I have got a BaseEntity class which contains a, byte array called stamp, id and state, which every Entity inherits from I am mapping the stamp to Property(t => t.Stamp).IsRequired().IsRowVersion(); this is set in BaseEntityConfiguration which…