Questions tagged [roulette-wheel-selection]

A type of selection operator used in evolutionary algorithms in which a theoretical roulette wheel is spun. Each member of the population is assigned a segment of the wheel, with size proportional to its fitness, such that fitter individuals are more likely to be selected for the next generation and/or reproduction.

Selection is a key element of any type of . There are many ways to apply selection, but one of the simplest, and therefore most popular, is roulette wheel selection.

Diagram of roulette wheel selection Image source

In roulette wheel selection, an imaginary dial is spun. It will point to a random location along this circle. The proportion of the circle that is taken up by each member of the population (and therefor the likelihood of each being selected) is determined by that member's fitness.

In practice, it is unnecessary to implement a roulette wheel selector as a circle. Instead, a random number is selected.

52 questions
14 answers

Roulette Selection in Genetic Algorithms

Can anyone provide some pseudo code for a roulette selection function? How would I implement this: I don't really understand how to read this math notation. I never took any probability or statistics.
12 answers

Roulette wheel selection algorithm

Can anyone provide some pseudo code for a roulette selection function? How would I implement this: I don't really understand how to read this math notation.I want General algorithm to this.
7 answers

GA written in Java

I am attempting to write a Genetic Algorithm based on techniques I had picked up from the book "AI Techniques for Game Programmers" that uses a binary encoding and fitness proportionate selection (also known as roulette wheel selection) on the genes…
1 answer

Genetic Algorithm - what is steady state selection?

I'm doing a final year project on genetic algorithms - specifically of the Dawkins Weasel type. I've done roulette selection and tournament selection, still to do steady state selection, but I'm not sure exactly what it is and references I find…
1 answer

What is the difference between roulette wheel selection, rank selection and tournament selection?

I'm reading a slide about genetic programming, where some methods to select individuals, such as roulette wheel selection, rank selection and tournament selection, are mentioned. What is the difference between these three selection methods?
3 answers

Roulette-wheel selection in Genetic algorithm. Population needs to be sorted first?

In a genetic algorithm, when selecting members for crossover using roulette-wheel selection method, does the population first need to be sorted by fitness rank? The possibilities seem to be: sort population first by ascending fitness sort…
Steve D
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4 answers

How to perform rank based selection in a genetic algorithm?

I am implementing a small genetic algorithm framework - primarily for private use, unless I manage to make something reasonable at which time I will post it as open source. Right now I am focusing on selection techniques. So far I have implemented…
5 answers

Genetic algorithm - new generations getting worse

I have implemented a simple Genetic Algorithm to generate short story based on Aesop fables. Here are the parameters I'm using: Mutation: Single word swap mutation with tested rate with 0.01. Crossover: Swap the story sentences at given point. rate…
6 answers

Roulette wheel selection for function minimization

This question answers pseudocode for roulette wheel selection. But it's for maximization problem. But my problem is to minimize the value of fitness function. That means, individuals with low fitness get higher probability for being selected than…
Masud Hasan
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1 answer

How should roulette wheel selection be organized for non-sorted population in genetic algorithm?

My question is linked with this one: Roulette-wheel selection in Genetic algorithm. Population needs to be sorted first? If we don't sort the population what is the way of organizing roulette wheel selection for it? Surely, we have to search in…
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2 answers

Roulette selection function for a genetic algorithm

So I've written a roulette selection function for my genetic algorithm which follows: public String tournament(float fitness, Chromosome pop[], int selection) { // roulette if (selection == 1) { Random random = new Random(); …
3 answers

Architecture of chatroulette

Could somebody explain to me the architecture behind chatroulette? I was thinking about a similar project that would only implement Audio support (for starters). Is the best way to set this up a flash server? If so, how should I go about getting…
Daniel Richter
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2 answers

Genetic Algorithm roulette wheel selection

I am having issues understanding the algorithm. Here is the most popular one seen online for all members of population sum += fitness of this individual end for for all members of population probability = sum of probabilities + (fitness /…
0 answers

Predetermined name roulette for raffle

I want to design a name roulette using Javascript for an upcoming raffle we're hosting. Similar to this. We're planning to draw the names before the event to save time. However, we want to preserve the tension and excitement by displaying it in a…
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3 answers

Roulette wheel selection, finding pocket without sorting

I am currently attempting to implement a java roulette wheel selection (see My problem comes after finding the relative fitness for each individual of my population. For example, Say I…
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