Questions tagged [rosetta-2]

Use this tag for questions related to Apple’s Rosetta 2 x86 emulation, first introduced in macOS Big Sur in 2020 to enable backward compatibility for x86 code running on Apple Silicon (ARM) CPUs.

Use this tag for questions related to Apple’s Rosetta 2 x86 emulation, first introduced in macOS Big Sur in 2020 to enable backward compatibility for x86 code running on Apple Silicon (ARM) CPUs.

12 questions
8 answers

How to run the Homebrew installer under Rosetta 2 on M1 Macbook

I'm on the M1 MacBook. This is the error when I try to install Homebrew: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" Homebrew is not (yet) supported on ARM processors! Rerun the Homebrew…
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Apple M1 - Maven Java dependency that is not yet available for macosx-arm64

I am trying to get a Java/Maven project working on an Apple M1 with a dependency that is not yet available for the M1 chip. In my case this is nd4j but it could be any other dependency. org.nd4j
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How can I run two isolated installations of Homebrew?

I want to install and run two versions of Homebrew simultaneously on an Apple Silicon Mac: an ARM64 version, and an Intel version running under Rosetta 2. I know I can prepend any brew command with arch --x86_64 to emulate Intel for that command,…
Jacob Ford
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Jenkins does not work properly on Mac M1 agent

We want to use a Mac Mini with the M1 processor as an agent in our CI pipeline to make sure that developers with new Macs can compile the project. We duplicated the setup that we have for x86, but cmake cannot find libraries such as boost: CMake…
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Will Visual Studio work on Mac with ARM processor (Apple Silicon)

Will Visual Studio work flawlessly with the new Apple processor? Because I read some blog that, they said some barrier in with third party software with new ARM processor on Mac. like…
shirsh shukla
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What's the proposed way to switch to native Homebrew on M1 MacBooks?

I've used Homebrew via Rosetta the last couple of months. And now since the native version was released I'm not sure what the required steps are to switch. Should I just update Homebrew and will the packages be updated automatically? Or do we have…
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How do I install CLI tools "under Rosetta 2" on MacBook M1?

After getting a MacBook M1 2020 - I found most of my command line tools could no longer be installed. I presume this was because the tools were compiled to run on an Intel based chipset, and not the new Apple Chipset (citation needed). Here is an…
Nick Grealy
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How to install Azul JDK 16 on Apple Silicon M1 Mac?

I understand I can run Java under emulation with Rosetta 2, but I've read that with Azul Open JDK 16 that I can get native performance. I downloaded the file, but have no idea what to do. Azul's help page is not helpful. If someone can give some…
Jacob Waters
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Install the python 3.9.x M1 version in a virtual environment

I am using an M1 mac and I am using a conda environment with python 3.8.8. I tried to update with 'conda update python' but 3.8.8 is the latest version I can get and it is running on Rosetta 2. I would like to install the latest 3.9.x for BigSur (so…
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Can I pre-translate an executable using Apple Rosetta 2?

This is actually about DRM. We are developing Apple applications that is protected using VMProtect. However VMProtect does not support the newest Apple M1 ARM CPU (they are actually not planning to do so). And after some search, it seems there are…
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What is it meant by "developers must optimise their apps to run on ARM-based processors"?

This is a subject that I am not very knowledgable about and I was hoping to get a better understanding on the topic. I was going through articles about Apple's transition to Apple Silicon and at some point I read "Apple is going to ship Rosetta 2,…
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Mac OS with M1 encounters with an error when using glfw glew

error! ld: warning: ignoring file /opt/homebrew/Cellar/glfw/3.3.2/lib/libglfw.3.dylib, building for macOS-x86_64 but attempting to link with file built for macOS-arm64 Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_glfwCreateWindow", referenced…