Questions tagged [apple-m1]

This tag is used for questions related to the Apple M1 family of devices; that is machines or electronics running on M1 system on a chip.

Apple M1 is an ARM based system on a chip designed by Apple Inc.

541 questions
8 answers

zsh problem: compinit:503: no such file or directory: /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_brew

I am using apple M1 MacBook pro. When I installed oh my zash. When I addedexport PATH="/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH" to my ~/.zshrc file. This error was shown in my terminal: joe :: share/zsh/site-functions » source ~/.zshrc compinit:503: no such file or…
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10 answers

Java/JDK for Apple M1 chip?

Will there need to be a special release of OpenJDK to support the new Apple M1 chip? I see that there are currently downloads of the JDK for macOS/OS X, but these seem to only be for x86 processors. Is that correct? If so, where can I download a…
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11 answers

Trouble installing Pandas on new MacBook Air M1

I recently got a new MacBook Air M1. I am having trouble installing Pandas. Is there anything specific to the new processor that would prevent installing Pandas?
Dan Hendrickson
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1 answer

React Native on Apple Silicon M1 - The linked library 'libPods-ProjectName.a' is missing one or more architectures required by this target: x86_64

I'm trying to build a React Native project on a MacBook Pro with a M1 architecture, for iOS simulator. The project built nicely on Intel architecture. It also build on device and archive well on M1. But not on simulator. I had this classical error…
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2 answers

Emulator appearing offline on M1 Mac after the last update of arm64-v8a

Yesterday the emulator was working perfectly. The system image was arm64-v8a. I don't exactly remember the Release name of the working system image but, yesterday there was an update for the ARM 64 system image which I accepted and the release name…
1 answer

Firebase broken on M1 Mac

I have a new MacBook Air M1. Firebase had been working up until I did an upgrade of firebase-tools from 9.7.0 to 9.8.0 last week. After the upgrade, I get this error every time I try to run any "firebase " statement. There is no source code directly…
Steve Macdonald
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2 answers

Apple M1 issue with iPhone simulator

I'm trying to compile my Xamarin Forms Android app on iOS. However I keep running into an error: [db] _LSSchemaConfigureForStore failed with error Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-10817 "(null)"…
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1 answer

Apple M1 - Maven Java dependency that is not yet available for macosx-arm64

I am trying to get a Java/Maven project working on an Apple M1 with a dependency that is not yet available for the M1 chip. In my case this is nd4j but it could be any other dependency. org.nd4j
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4 answers

How to install SciPy on Apple Silicon (ARM / M1)

I have successfully installed python 3.9.1 with Numpy and Matplotlib on a new Mac mini with Apple Silicon. However, I cannot install SciPy : I get compilation errors when using python3 -m pip install scipy I also tried installing everything from…
2 answers

Pip install matplotlib fails on M1 Mac

I'm having difficulties installing matplotlib through pip on my M1 Mac. I have Python 3.9.1 installed through Homebrew. When running pip3 install matplotlib the installer tries installing the newest version, matplotlib 3.3.4. The installer gets…
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4 answers

Unable to run git on Mac OS Big Sur

Unable to run git on new MacBook running Big Sur When I try to run git, I receive the following error: xcrun: error: unable to load libxcrun (dlopen(/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/libxcrun.dylib, 0x0005): could not use…
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2 answers

Unable To Install 'therubyracer v0.12.3' gem in M1 Macbook Pro

I am using M1 Macbook Pro and wants to install therubyracer and libv8 for a rails webapp. But I am unable to do so because of the errors described below. There are several solutions available on the internet but none of them is working for…
0 answers

M1: crash with simulator iOS 13 or older and Xcode 12.3 on mac with M1 chip and Big Sur

I've got this strange issue: Xcode 12.3 macOs 11.1 Big Sur iOS Simulator < 14 I added the suggested "excluded architectures" arm64 to let my project works on simulators iOS 14 but if i use older iOS on simulator it seems to works, no warnings or…
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1 answer

Apple silicon(M1) 11.4 get a java error (jdk16)

A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: Internal Error (sharedRuntime.cpp:531), pid=2424, tid=7427 Error: ShouldNotReachHere() JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (16.0+14) (build 16+14) Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server…
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0 answers

image_picker crashes when picking images on simulator running on Apple Silicon M1

On an Apple Silicon M1 it is not possible to select the UIImagePicker controller to select an image. In the photo gallery, when you click on the image, the interface does nothing and does not react anything.To exit the interface you must click on…
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