Questions tagged [role-based-access-control]

113 questions
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Django rest framework group based permissions for individual views

I am using DRF for writing API's. I would like to give different permissions for each view in my Modelviewsets. I have two groups(customers and staff). I have filtered them as Isstaff and Iscustomer in class…
5 answers

How to implement Role based restrictions/permissions in react redux app?

I have a React-Redux-KoaJs application with multiple components. I have few user roles as well. Now i want to display few buttons, tables and div to only specific roles and hide those from others. Please remember i dont want to hide the whole…
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Hierarchical role/permissions based access

I want to build a Hierarchical Role Base access control. This is my current schema: Currently I have two options to build this system: Attach all required permission to a role (not-hierarchical) Attach only special "level" permissions and…
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Dynamic authorization of roles core

This is not a duplicate question or rather the solutions given in other solutions have not worked. Lets say there is a controller [Authorize(Roles=//set dynamically)] public IActionResult DashBoard(LoginModel model) { } I have tried the solutions…
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angular 2 subscribe value change not reflecting on html

This is quite confusing to me. I might not have a solid understanding of how subscription works. Angular 2 finalized version Goal: Hide/Show navigation menu based on roles Approach: I use Facebook to authenticate users. After authentication, user…
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How to handle role based authorization in AngularJS?

I am creating a web app which will satisfy two requirements for the users. Note: I am new to AngularJS as a web development platform. Front-end - 1: Its a search functionality where users can search for specific documents and studies based on…
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Dynamic generation of RBAC roles and permissions

I’m looking for a methodology for generating new RBAC roles on demand. I am developing a RBAC system that will have two primary parameters. Rather than simply having a user associated with a role, and that role associated with a group of…
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GraphQL - How to distinguish Public from Private fields?

Context I have a GraphQL API and a NodeJS & Angular application with a MongoDB database that holds users. For each user, there is a public page with public information like id and username. When a user is logged in, there is a private profile page…
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Entity-level access control in a hierarchical data scheme

I have a requirement for entity-level authorization that's frankly over my head. I'm hoping to get some guidance on this permission structure, how I might implement it in .NET 4.5, and if there are ways I could improve it. Here it goes: I have a…
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OAuth-2.0/JWT - guidance about when to use scope vs roles

I'm quite well versed with most things related to OAuth 2.0 and JWTs, but one thing that's still a bit confusing is if/when to use scopes vs. roles. I think some of the confusion is coming from how role-based authorization works in ASP.NET Core…
2 answers

Yii Framework 2.0 Role Based Access Control RBAC

Learning Yii Framework 2.0 I have tried to use Role Bases Access Control from the documentation of Yii 2.0. But the guide documentation is too short to me that I cannot complete this learning. I have added the following code to my config…
O Connor
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Keycloak: authZ with nodeJS

I am trying to secure a REST API using keycloak authorization mechanisms. My API is in NodeJS with express. Say I have this API: The endpoint supports GET/POST/PUT/DELETE. A house has a name and an owner: { …
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MERN stack MongoDB Permission and Access Level Setup

I am creating a MERN Stack application. I am very confused about access permission to keys in my mongoDb schemas. I came from Firebase which allowed you to set up node level read/write access controls in the Firebase rules. Below is an example I…
2 answers

generate role-based claims for aws cognito id token

Authenticate with AWS Cognito, I can get ID token including cognito:groups { admin, user}. From ASPNetCore Webapi, I can authorize using Policy (folows AWS tutorial…
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Adding Role Based Redirection Upon Login to React App

So I have an app that currently works fine on login, just takes you to the basic app. I created a new page called AdminDashboard.js, and added a new part to the json called "Admin" which is set to 1 for admin users and 0 for everyone else. I don't…
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