Questions tagged [role-based-access-control]

113 questions
1 answer

Authorize every request vs delete user session from cache

I am running a NodeJS express application with a PostgreSQL DB. I am using node-cache module as the store for session management in express. The app has a user management scheme which consists of two types of users, a common user and an Admin. An…
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Spring boot, hasAnyAuthority is not working correctly

In my configure(HttpSecurity) I have : .antMatchers("/api/account/reset-password/finish").hasAnyAuthority(AuthoritiesConstants.BANK, AuthoritiesConstants.USER) And in this particular endpoint : public void finishPasswordReset(@RequestBody…
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React Router v5.1.2 Public & Protected Authenticated & Role Based routes

Goal is to have /login as the only public route, once logged in user has routes based on user role. Authentication is done with Keycloak I get users from keycloak.idTokenParsed.preferred_username: admin, manager, engineer, operator. If operator…
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Keycloak & React Router routing for Public/Login & Authenticated & Role based routes

I did see Tyler McGinnis Protected routes and authentication with React Router v4 I use react-router-dom v 5.1.2 I initialize keycloak in index.js & pass it as a prop to App.js…
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Azure Blob Storage: Add role assignment issue

In Azure DevOps, I have created a service connection (type: Azure Resource Manager) to be able to upload files to Azure Blob Storage. Then I have added the Storage Blob Data Contributor role for this service principal under Access Control (IAM) in…
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OAuth 2.0 authentication shows 500 Internal Server Error, Spring Boot microservices

org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException$Unauthorized: 401 : [no body] at org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException.create( ~[spring-web-5.2.4.RELEASE.jar:5.2.4.RELEASE] at…
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Azure Container level IAM Access assignment by REST call

I am trying to give an AD user an IAM access (Storage Blob Data Reader) to a Container by REST Api call. My storage structure is like:- Subscription >> ResourceGroup >> Resource(i.e. a storage account) >> Many Containers >> Some blobs under each…
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Jenkins role based authorization - How to restrict access of a particular project to a group?

I have a jenkins setup with role based authorization in place. With this I am able to restrict access of a particular project to a particular user. But I am not able to do the same for a group/role. Refer the image below, where 'arushi' is a user…
Sumaiya A
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What is MongoDB's Role-Based Access Control?

What is MongoDB's Role-Based Access Control? I am fairly new to MongoDB. I was going through the mongoDB documentation of its Role-Based Access Control feature. I am a bit confused. Is this the same as adding a roles array in a user schema(as in…
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Azure resource deletion locks preventing deletion of role assignment on the resource

I have applied deletion lock on my subscription level so that all the resource will get the locks, while revoked the access from virtual machines, azure deletion lock is preventing the IAM role deletion, Is there any way to fix it?
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Is there a better way to implement role based access in ASP.NET framework?

Basically I've spent the last few days trying to figure out how to add simple Admin and Member roles onto a website I'm developing for a friend. (I am using ASP.NET Framework I know that Microsoft has a nice role based access feature built…
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How can i build Role based permissions access in multi client application in django?

I am currently making an architecture for my multi-client application, in which How to implement role based access model. Every client will make customize-roles and will give permissions to that role. Finally that role will be assigned to the…
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User Admin login, give users elevated permissions - Symfony 4

Please forgive for asking, i have been working on my websites login/registration pages for some time and finally have both working seemingly flawlessly, my next task is access control so i can do some work on my forum without the need to load my SSH…
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how to assign roles and permission to user, when role-based acces controll is not enough?

In laravel application I have users, roles and permissions. Roles are attached to users, and permissions are attached to roles. Users: id | name | email ______________________ 1 | saba | 2 | nika | 3 | gio |…
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How to disable the use of a default service account by a statefulset/deployments in kubernetes

I am setting up a namespace for my application that has statefulsets, deployments, and secrets into that namespace. Using RBAC, I am defining specific roles and binding them to a service account that is used by the deployment/statefulset. This works…