Questions tagged [rn-fetch-blob]

82 questions
4 answers

react-native How to open local file url using Linking?

I'm using the following code to download a file (can be a PDF or a DOC) and then opening it using Linking. const { dirs } = RNFetchBlob.fs; let config = { fileCache : true, appendExt : extension, addAndroidDownloads : { …
1 answer

RN-fetch-blob bad base64 - android only issue

I am having an issue within react native where I am downloading a base 64 string from an API and rendering it as a PDF on mobile devices. The project is built with React native - the code works fine on iOS but on Android we are getting a 'bad base…
Gavin Crawley
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2 answers

rn-fetch-blob Error: RNFetchBlob.fetchBlobForm failed to create request body

async postFileUpload(payload) { const rnfetchfile = RNFetchBlob.wrap(payload.uri); try { console.log( 'POST', 'https://******.***.**/******/***/upload_*******_file', { ...this.config, …
2 answers

Rotate image and save in React-Native

I am going to rotate the image in react–native and I would like to get base64 of rotated image. I used several libraries react-native-image-rotate: It's working well on Android but on iOS I get rct-image-store://1 as url so I tried getting base64…
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Unsupported path storage/emulated/0/test

Hi I am working on a mobile application (react native 0.60.4) where I am downloading file using rn-fetch-blob to a custom path storage/emulated/0/test earlier it was working fine then I had to update the targetSDKVersion to 29 and compileSDKVersion…
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React Native download file using RNFetchBlob's Download Manager on Android 10

I need to download file to user's Download directory in React Native app using rn-fetch-blob, but seems like it is not compatible with Android 10, because I am getting error: First I ask for permissions: try { const granted = await…
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RNFetchBlob.fs.mkdir executes successfully but doesn't create directory

I am trying to create directory in Downloads folder using RNFetcBlob. It doesn't throw any error but folder doesn't get created.... This is the method I am using... async createAppDir() { const granted = await PermissionsAndroid.request( …
0 answers

How to upload multiple files using RNFetchBlob.fetch and react-native-document-picker

I am using react-native-document-picker and rn-fetch-blob to upload the file. It's working as expected for a single file. But I couldn't able to upload multiple files to the server. Upload function const uploadPic=()=>{ // alert('ddf'); …
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How to read big file in react-native

I need to upload big file on server using rn-fetch-blob in react native. The problem is when file size is more than ~10MB, App crashes without error message. File path comes from react-native-share-extension. Platform - iOS. On Android and iOS…
0 answers

How to get real path from URI of a file in sdcard?

I'm using react-native-document-picker in order to pick files and send them to the server. After picking the file, I use RNFetchBlob.fs.stat(uri) from rn-fetch-blob package to get the real path from the URI that the picker gives me. It works fine…
2 answers

React Native Fetch Blob creating issue while pod install on iOS

I've install react-native-fetch-blob on react-native version 0.60.5.While I run pod install, the error appears as you can see in the Kindly guide me on how to resolve this issue
3 answers

RN fetch blob download docx or pdf from URL in IOS

What is done: Implemented in Android and its getting downloaded in specific DCIM directory in android. In ios using DocumentDir to download the pdf or docx file. Using "rn-fetch-blob": "^0.12.0"; Error: In IOS it says the message in console : The…
Gaurav Roy
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1 answer

React Native - Is it possible to download multiple assets using rn-fetch-blob?

Is there a way to download an array of objects (of .mp4, .jpg, etc...) using rn-fetch-blob? Right now this code is grabbing a single .mp4 url, but what if I have an array of .mp4 mixed in with some .jpg? How would I do such a thing? say I have…
0 answers

React Native application using rn-fetch-blob crashes if server returns an error

I am trying to learning React Native and in the process I am trying to download a file using rn-fetch-blob using the following code var url = APIPREFIX + '/image/download/' +; var config = { path: ((Platform.OS…
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How to ignore SSL cert issues in fetch() call when using Expo?

seems there's no way in react-native to disable SSL verification during fetch() call. Someone mentioned here that rn-fetch-blob can achieve this, but as one of the comments alludes to - Expo isn't compatible with rn-fetch-blob (and building an APK,…
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