Questions tagged [retrieve-and-rank]

Use the Retrieve and Rank tag when the question is about the IBM Watson Retrieve and rank service.

The IBM Watson Retrieve and Rank service helps users find the most relevant information for their query by using a combination of search and machine learning algorithms to detect "signals" in the data. Built on top of Apache Solr, developers load their data into the service, train a machine learning model based on known relevant results, then leverage this model to provide improved results to their end users based on their question or query.


94 questions
1 answer

How can I tune the Retrieve and Rank ranker with a dictionary/model of domain specific phrases?

We are trying to group phrases together in order to improve results. For instance, if the user asks a question like "When do I have to change the filter of my air conditioning?" with a domain specific phrase such as “air conditioning”, R&R returns…
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How can I check how much space I have consumed in one of my R&R clusters?

I was wondering how I can get the index size of one of my clusters. I would like to know if I still have enough space on my cluster or if I will need to increase its size. In a local instance of Solr, I am able to make the following request: …
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How to use QA Service of IBM watson with REST API

I have just started to learn IBM Watson services. I need to use Question and answer API of bluemix in java using REST API. But I couldn't find any service like Question and answer. Please can anybody tell me is the name is changed or where can I…
2 answers

Does IBM Watson API learn from my data?

I'm testing couple of IBM Watson APIs like the following: Does Watson get smarter and learn more about my data the more I use it? I read that Watson is getting smarter with more data it learns and processes. I'm not sure if this is only done behind…
1 answer

How to integrate IBM bluemix Retrieve and rank web interface into IOS app?

I went through the ios sdk on github. But didn't understand the following parameters: retrieveAndRank.searchAndRank( withCollectionName: collectionName, fromSolrClusterID: cluster.solrClusterID, rankerID: ranker.rankerID, query:…
1 answer

How to import Training Data in Bluemix Retrieve and Rank Service?

How to import ranker training data using the Retrieve and Rank dashboard feature in Bluemix? I have followed the following steps: Imported Documents (successful) Imported Questions (successful) Import training data (failed: I get the following…
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1 answer

Access watson retrieve and rank behind a proxy in Node

I need to know if the R&R service can be used behind a proxy. Take a look at the next part to see my investigations. The code I'm using was working at my home. (No firewall/No Proxy, only a router) I started from the following code.…
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3 answers

"msg":"Error parsing JSON field value. Unexpected OBJECT_START

I'm using node and mongoose to update a watson rank and retrieve database. I'm trying to add documents to the collection. I can add a single document. However, the json object I'm creating for multiple is failing. I've seen this answer here, but it…
1 answer

How to copy a Watson retrieve-and-rank solr collection on Bluemix

We have a large Solr collection on Watson's Retrieve and Rank service that I need to copy to another collection. Is there any way to do this in Retrieve and Rank? I know Solr has backup and restore capability, but it uses the file system and I…
David Powell
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1 answer

IBM watson Retrieve and Rank Training Error "java.util.ArrayList cannot be cast to java.lang.Float"

We have defined Solr Schema in IBM Watson for Worksheet as collection of questions. There are few schema elements which are multivalued fields. We are able to load documents and index documents using Retrieve and Rank Services but When generating…
Nik A
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1 answer

Watson retrieve&rank methods rank VS search and rank

In Retrieve&Rank service documentation there are 2 methods about results ranking Rank: Returns the top answer and a list of ranked answers with their ranked scores and confidence values…
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1 answer

IBM Waston - Retrieve and Rank

I'm following the retrieve and rank tutorial and everything is good until the script - I get an error message below: Generating training data... Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 83, in process =…
2 answers

Synonyms are not working ibm watson retrieve and rank

This is my synonyms.txt file system => filesystem file set => fileset version , release latest, new content, information I have changed the synonyms.txt but synonyms are not working also help me to how to give space separated synonyms. eg. foo…
nisarga lolage
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2 answers

How to call API that requires user name and password, in Node.js

I am working with Retrieve and Rank service of IBM Watson. This service provides a REST API that returns search result. Following is the API…
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1 answer

Clone a Retrieve and Rank

so we were creating a Retrieve and Rank Service on Bluemix and we now want to move it to another organisation within Bluemix. Is there any way to export the complete set of answerunits, questions and rankings? I guessed it might be possible to just…
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