Questions tagged [retrieve-and-rank]

Use the Retrieve and Rank tag when the question is about the IBM Watson Retrieve and rank service.

The IBM Watson Retrieve and Rank service helps users find the most relevant information for their query by using a combination of search and machine learning algorithms to detect "signals" in the data. Built on top of Apache Solr, developers load their data into the service, train a machine learning model based on known relevant results, then leverage this model to provide improved results to their end users based on their question or query.


94 questions
1 answer

Watson Retrieve and Rank: Python Bluemix runtime

I am trying to run through the following tutorial on Bluemix: However, I am not able to install Python locally onto my system due to security policies. Is there a way I can…
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1 answer

Explanation on the "Rank" for Retrieve & Rank service in Java

Does anyone ever used the Retrieve & Rank service with Java SDK (Rank service particularly) ? I want to understand how it works because some points seem me not logical : What is the difference between the Java approach, where we must execute a…
0 answers

Watson Retrieve and Rank : Can’t train the ranker in java

I have followed the tutorial available on IBM website ( and I’m now trying to apply the same procedure in Java, but I encounter some troubles when I…
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2 answers

Indexer IOException job fail while Indexing nutch crawled data in “Bluemix” solr

I'm trying to index the nutch crawled data by Bluemix solr. I used the following command in my command prompt: bin/nutch index -D…
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0 answers

In Retrieve and rank how to tell service that the words are of same context

For example I want to query "tell me fever symptoms" but it breaks "fever" and "symptoms" which ultimately gives some wrong results. In Apache solr we can query with double quotes but in RnR it does not make any difference. Also sometimes even…
nisarga lolage
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1 answer

Create auto-generate long filed (identifier/unique key) in Solr cluser of Watson retrieve and rank service

I want to have auto-generate Long unique key in Solr cluster. I'm using IBM Watson Retrieve and Rank service and I tried the standard ways of Solr to have auto-generate mechanism (generate UUID, etc), but it's not working for Retrieve and Rank…
1 answer

How to interpret featureVector and score in IBM Retrieve&Rank results?

There are follow fields in fcselect results, for each result, 'score, featureVector'. Score max value is 10, while featureVector can be "1.8894386 0.94715786 0.39159727 0.96143353 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.13101925 0.01616435 0.0 0.01616435…
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2 answers

Watson API - Retrieve and Rank - Error uploading JSON

I'm following the tutorial at Retrieve and Rank - Get Started, and I'm at the following step: Issue the following command to upload the cranfield_data.json data to the example_collection collection. Replace {username}, {password},…
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1 answer error in ibm watson retrieve and rank service setup

I'm following the retrieve and rank tutorial and everything is good until the script - I get error "ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded" my command line with masked creds: python ./ -u "zzzz":"ssss" -i…
Nik Todorov
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1 answer

I am getting this error SyntaxError: missing ; before statement firefox shows the error

$("#get-results").submit(function (event) { console.log("Submitting new analysis..."); event.preventDefault(); //$("#question-submit").prop("disabled", true); var question = $('#question').val(); var url1 =…
nisarga lolage
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1 answer

Getting 403 not authorized when indexing documents on Retrieve and Rank

I am suddenly getting a 403 error when I try to POST an update to the Retrieve and Rank service. This code is under development but it has been working up until yesterday. The failure occurs only when doing a POST to…
David Powell
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0 answers

The IBM Watson™ Retrieve and Rank service relevancy score and featureVector calculation

I have followed the documentation and created the training data for my catalog. In my training data, for the records that are not relevant to my…
1 answer

how to get data from mysql in laravel

Hello guys i am new on laravel and am currently working on laravel project i have got this project from someone all things are working perfectly but something i want to get from database and i dont know how can i do it i just want to get start_date…
digi soft
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1 answer

Watson RnR - Creating Ranker using REST API

I am trying out to create an Ranker using the REST API after successfully Adding documents to the collection. Do I need to use If so then whats the use of create Ranker API. Also while trying to create RANKER, can you please tell me where…
1 answer

Watson Retrieve & Rank Service and IBM Bluemix

I am new to Watson and want to use Retrieve and Rank Service. Reading the documents so far, I understand that IBM Bluemix provides a Retrieve and Rank Service. I am under the impression that IBM Bluemix Retrieve and Rank Service is meant primarily…