Questions tagged [reporters]

An R package to generate Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint and HTML reports.

116 questions
2 answers

R: Function to export currently active R plot to Powerpoint/Word/LibreOffice

Currently I always export my R graphs to Powerpoint in vector format using the excellent ReporteRs package, as in library(ReporteRs) myplot = function() print(qplot(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length, data = iris, color = Species, size = Petal.Width, alpha…
Tom Wenseleers
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2 answers

Creating Professional Looking Powerpoints in R

Is there a good way to use data from R and a package like ReporteRs to generate complete Powerpoints? I have about 900 slides to create. Our analysts currently follow this path: DB --> SAS --> CSV --> PPTX (embedded graphics) (x900 times) This is…
Serban Tanasa
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1 answer

Make a landscape table in a word document

I am using ReporteRs package in R to create a report. I have a table which has 13 columns and I would like it to go in a landscape orientation. Otherwise some columns will be cut down from the table. I am wondering whether it is possible to specify…
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3 answers

R ReporteRs: Editing Existing Slides

I have a presentation in pptx format that I need to update frequently with graphs that I generate with an R script. I would like to automate the replacement of the graphs without having to copy and paste between screens a whole bunch of times. I…
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2 answers

Mutliple formatted text on pptx by using officer package on R

Ciao, I'm writing a code to generate an automatic report using officer package. I was wondering how and if I can write some text with different font. In my case I'd like to write some normal text and some bold words. Let me show you what I get. I…
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3 answers

create pdf in addition to word docx using officer

I am using officer (used to use reporters) within a loop to create 150 unique documents. I need these documents however to be exported from R as word docx AND pdfs. Is there a way to export the document created with officer to a pdf?
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1 answer

Indent a Flextable made with R-ReporteRs

I want to indent a (flex)table created with the ReporterRs package. Here's an example: library(ReporteRs) df <- data.frame(Column1 = 1:5, Column2 = c("a","b","c","d","e")) Mydoc = docx(title="A testdoc for testing…
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1 answer

Generate powerpoint slides with R Shiny using ReporteRs package

I have a R shiny code which makes various reports, word cloud, sentiment analysis and various other things. Now I want that by click of a button all these reports which are generated can be downloaded in one single shot and attached to ppt. So, for…
Rahul Agarwal
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1 answer

How to invoke Stata and run syntax via R?

I have an odd situation, and please pardon me for not providing a reproducible example for this question. I have more than 1000 lines of syntax written for Stata to carry out multiple analyses (I wrote it before I started using R). This syntax is…
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0 answers

Change font color in flextable in R

Ciao, I have some trouble in changing font color in my flextable. The R version is 3.5.2 I am working on this object since I have to add the table on a pptx presentation and to do this I will of course use officer package. Let me show you a dummy…
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0 answers

R Shiny app embedded in PowerPoint

Let's consider a simple r shiny application # Global variables can go here n <- 200 # Define the UI ui <- bootstrapPage( numericInput('n', 'Number of obs', n), plotOutput('plot') ) # Define the server code server <- function(input, output) { …
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1 answer

How to save a plot as image on disk from Viewer in RStudio?

Summary: my ultimate goal is to use rCharts, and specifically Highcharts, as part of a ReporteRs PowerPoint report automation workflow. One of the charts I would like to use is rendered as html in the Viewer pane in Rstudio, and addPlot(function()…
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1 answer

Add line break in title in ReporteRs

In this example, I would like to put a line break between "Episode IV" and "A New Hope" but \n isn't working... how can I do it? library("ReporteRs") deck <- pptx( title = "Star Wars Movies") deck <- addSlide( deck, slide.layout = "Title and…
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1 answer

Error when loading a template .pptx using ReporteRs package

I'd like to automate the creation of powerpoint reports using a template. According to ReporteRs documentation, that is done with: doc = pptx(template = '/path/to/template.pptx') Even when attempting to load the simplest of templates I get the…
Adam Birenbaum
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1 answer

'ReporteRs' Landscape Layout

When using the ReporteRs package, I would like to create a document entirely in landscape. When i try to do this using the addSection(doc, landscape = TRUE) function, the first page is outputting as a blank portrait page. How can I avoid this…
Robert Honeybul
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