Questions tagged [repeatingalarm]

Alarm in Android that will be repeated after a certain pre-defined time interval.

Alarm in Android that will be repeated after a certain pre-defined time interval. Can be set through AlarmManager class.

232 questions
4 answers

Set Repeat days of week alarm in android

Can somebody give good logic for set repeat days of week alarm? I have done weekly Alarm by using alarmCalendar.set(Calendar.HOUR, AlarmHrsInInt); alarmCalendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, AlarmMinsInInt); …
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AlarmManager fires alarms at wrong time

I managed everything all right to create a notification service used to fire a notification as a result of an alarm. Unfortunately, setting the alarm using AlarmManager doesn't work right. It fires several minutes later (not exactly hours, which…
Holger Jakobs
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1 answer

How to debug which AlarmManager alarms are running from your application?

We have a few repeating alarms setup and they work normally most of the time. Sometimes though they get stuck (probably canceled somehow). How to debug it to make sure an alarm is actually off when it seems stuck? Regarding the reasons for the alarm…
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Do Android AlarmManagers continue to run after an app update?

From what I can see, if you schedule an indefinitely repeating alarm it won't stop running until you reboot your device or uninstall the app. I was wondering, how do these behave in the event of an app update? i.e. you download version 1 of the app…
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1 answer

android prevent immediate trigger of alarm service if alarm time has passed for the day

The reference for Alarm Manager says that If the stated trigger time is in the past, the alarm will be triggered immediately. I am facing this problem in my application. Here is my alarm manager code : Intent myIntent = new…
Flame of udun
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3 answers

AlarmManager firing alarm past the time it was set on the same day, setRepeating

So basically I have this code, time returns 24hour time and repeats the alarm daily. public setAlarm(String time, Context context){ String[] strTime; strTime = time.split(":"); int hour, min, sec; //set when to alarm hour =…
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Repeat Alarms on Every Monday in Android using AlarmManager/BroadcastReceiver

I want to repeat my task on every Monday at 09:00AM & 05:00 PM. I used following code for that but I am not able to repeat the task. Activity Code: public class AndroidScheduledActivity extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first…
1 answer

Scheduled Alarm Manager not working Android

I am trying to start an alarm service that repeats every day at a particular time. I have gone through a lot of threads on stack overflow regarding this but no luck. I followed a few tutorials:…
1 answer

What happens to running alarms when application is updated?

I need to figure out whether or not to restart that alarm because it's a timed server poll, but there should only be one instance of that alarm.
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Repeat Alarm once in a week in android

I am trying to develop alarm functionality in a my app which runs on a week days specified by user on fixed time. Problem here is that my scheduler running for all days instead of running on specified day . here is the code i wrote for this please…
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how to make Alarm repeats for particular time interval in Xamarin Droid project?

Using Xamarin Droid, i have created an alarm application. Setting alarm for the particular time was worked good. when i try to repeat the alarm for the particular time interval, it fails to alarm at the particular time. the application needs to…
4 answers

Android GPS Location Periodically

I want to create an App which fetch user's location in every 5 min between 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM. Now i am not able to think the flow. I am confused on: Should i implement 2 repeating alarm managers , one for every 5 min and another one for time slot.…
1 answer

Repeating Alarm not working

I know this type of questions are aksed so many times...but please first read my question before down voting or marking as duplicate. I have referred so many SO questions like this for managing alarm but cant find any solution so i am here. In my…
H Raval
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AlarmManager not repeating

I'm coding a 'simple' notificator which consists on calling to a website, checking the response and notifying if there's something new. I'm using a Service to do the http operations and I'd like AlarmManager to repeat the call to the Service with a…
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1 answer

AlarmManager doesn't work on MIUI (and who knows where else)

My application gives user an option to schedule daily notifications on a specific time. I use AlarmManager to achieve this behavior. On a click of a button I execute the following code: val datetimeToAlarm =…
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