Questions tagged [remote-input]

14 questions
1 answer

How to utilize Android Nougat's Direct Reply feature with a NotificationListener?

My app is using a NotificationListener to read out messages from various 3rd party apps, for example WhatsApp. So far I was able to send a reply if only one chat is unread, the code is below. However, in the case with WhatsApp,…
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What are AllowedDataTypes on RemoteInput?

There's a new function called setAllowDataType on RemoteInput.Builder in API 26. What is this used for? I tried the following: val remoteInput = RemoteInput.Builder(KEY_TEXT_REPLY) .setLabel("Image") …
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How to specify min and/or max length in RemoteInput

I use RemoteInput in my Android N notifications. I want to set a min and max text length limit for the input. Google Hangouts got this (i.e. the send button enables when the user entered at least 1 character). Anyone know how this can be done? I've…
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cancel notification with remoteInput not working

I am showing a notification with RemoteInput like this: RemoteInput remoteInput = new RemoteInput.Builder("key_add_note") .setLabel("add note") .build(); PendingIntent AddNotePendingIntent = …
Rahul Tiwari
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How can I change icon for send button on direct reply Android

I have created a notification, with an action with RemoteInput to add a note into the specific entry of my app like this: RemoteInput remoteInput = new RemoteInput.Builder("key_add_note") .setLabel("add note") …
Rahul Tiwari
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NotificationListenerService cancelNotification won't work for notifications with reply-actions

Background: There are 2 type of notifications.... Plain ones (The old traditional type) and the ones since Lolipop that can have "reply" actions. I made a NotificationListenerService that can dismiss notifications (from any other app, not only mine)…
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How to pass extra data to a broadcast receiver with android remote input

I've seen a couple of duplicates for this question so I'm sorry in advance if I've missed one but none that I've found have a solution, case in point here I'm trying to do the same thing as this though. I want to use direct reply (Messaging style)…
0 answers

Notification.Action with multiple RemoteInputs - why and how?

TL;DR version: I've noticed that an action-able notification in Android can be assigned with multiple instances of RemoteInput - but couldn't find a scenario in which this is useful, and not even sure how to properly use this potential…
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Nougat RemoteInput: color of text field

I've implemented RemoteInput in my app, but text field area appears with gray background abd I want it blue like this: Is there are any way to do this? UPD: Looks like colorPrimary is used for this, but I don't want to change it in whole app, just…
Dima Rostopira
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Action from notification does nothing

This is my code: Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(this, PSTimelineFragmentsActivity.class); PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, notificationIntent, 0); NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = new…
rosu alin
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How to use numeric keyboard in android notification direct reply?

I want to use a numeric keyboard in android notification's direct reply and also want to set the input filter for it. RemoteInput remoteInput = new RemoteInput.Builder("log").setLabel(defaultUnitBG == 1 ? "mg/dL" : "mmol").build(); …
1 answer

Is it possible to add initial text to notification RemoteInput (Android)?

I am creating Android notes app and want to add ability to edit note that stores in notification. So can I add initial text to Android RemoteInput from the current note(notification) and allow user to change it? example of…
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How to add max-length limit of RemoteInput

direct reply with below code: int requestCode = sMsgRequestCode.incrementAndGet(); Intent broadcast = new Intent(context,…
Junhua Zhu
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Powershell script to install multiple msi on remote machines

Good day, I would ask you to help me with finding the solution how to copy each MSI package to remote machine using link on nas storage. # Get list of servers param( [ValidateSet('STUDENT_LAB', 'LIBRARY_LAB', 'TEACHER_LAB')] [Parameter(Mandatory…
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