Questions tagged [recordrtc]

Questions about RecordRTC a WebRTC JavaScript library for audio/video as well as screen activity recording.

RecordRTC is a WebRTC JavaScript library for audio/video as well as screen activity recording. It supports Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Android, and Microsoft Edge. Platforms: Linux, Mac and Windows.

141 questions
4 answers

How can I add predefined length to audio recorded from MediaRecorder in Chrome?

I am in the process of replacing RecordRTC with the built in MediaRecorder for recording audio in Chrome. The recorded audio is then played in the program with audio api. I am having trouble getting the audio.duration property to work. It says If…
2 answers

Video mediaDevices Assign a Blob To 'videoRef.srcObject' In Place of 'src'

I am trying to make a blob the src of a video element. My code is working fine when: videoRef.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob) but using 'src' and 'URL.createObjectURL' is deprecated in place of using 'srcObject'…
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1 answer

recording canvas animation playback issue with chromium browsers

If i use the following code to record a canvas animation: streamInput = parent.document.getElementById('whiteboard'); stream = streamInput.captureStream(); const recorder = RecordRTC(stream, { // audio, video,…
0 answers

Is it possible to convert audio to text using a Web Speech API?

I am working on a task to record a WebRTC video conversation and then translate it to text. For recording the audio I am using RecordRTC and for speech recognition I want to use a Web Speech API. Is it possible to pass a recorded audio track to a…
2 answers

Screen recording the browser window using javascript

I'm developing an app which is basically a drawing app in which interactive simulations can be embedded. I'm trying to add the option for recording the screen and audio in the website itself so that teachers can create the lessons online. What is…
Jithin Ks
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Recording HTML5 canvas animation in mp4 format

I am having trouble with recording canvas as video in mp4 file format. I managed to record the canvas as webm format using RecordRTC. When I tried to give mimetype: video/mp4 it gives an error unable to record as mimetype: video/mp4. var canvas =…
0 answers

How can I create a new blob with a specific mime type in PHP?

I'm using RecordRTC to record a video in 1000ms chunks, which are sent as blobs via AJAX to my server. The server saves these files, and at the end of the recording I need to rebuild them all into a single .webm. I thought this would be as simple…
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Media record API alternative for Safari

I need to record a video from a camera via browser, I've done it for Chrome and Firefox using Media record API. var options = {mimeType: 'video/webm; codecs=vp9'}; mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(stream, options); Any alternative way to record a…
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RecordRTC: record in mp4 container instead of matroska

I'm using RecordRTC library to record screen and audio. I need h264 codec in mp4 container, but with my settings I get h264 codec in matroska container. I'm using the following code: this.captureUserMedia(screenConstraints, function(screenStream) { …
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1 answer

WebRTC screen + audio recording solution?

I have looked up and browsed about this but haven't reached the point where there is a solution. Let me explain the scenario. I am working on a project where I have to build a virtual classroom with whiteboard, video+audio broadcasting + chat etc,…
1 answer

How to record screen+audio+microphone with RecordRTC

I am working on a project where I need the user to be able to record screen, audio and microphone. At the moment I could only make it recognize screen and audio. First I am capturing the screen and the audio from it and saving it to a variable. And…
0 answers

How to store webcam feed on server in realtime?

I am simply trying to record the webcamera feed if the user, and store the data on server. Now I could wait till recording is done, generate the video file on client end and then upload it to server, but if the client disconnects during the upload…
Sudipta B
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RecordRTC | Can we save blob data without stopRecording

I'm using RecordRTC and trying to save video after every 1 minute but for saving the video I have to call stopRecording(). For example: function postFiles() { var blob = recorder.getBlob(); // getting unique identifier for…
Saurabh Sharma
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RecordRTC Error: MediaRecorder API seems unable to record mimeType: audio/wav

MediaRecorder API seems unable to record mimeType: audio/wav getting this error although I'm giving the type as audio/wav below is the code i'm trying to implement, actually I'm trying to record my voice and upload it to server for which i need to…
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WebRTC Detect Orientation from Peer Video Stream

Using RecordRTC and WebRTC I am able to save a Peer MediaStream as a webm/video file. The orientation of the file differs based on the peer device. Meaning a 640x480 video is rotated clockwise or counter clockwise. To re-orient the recorded video,…
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