Questions tagged [recordrtc]

Questions about RecordRTC a WebRTC JavaScript library for audio/video as well as screen activity recording.

RecordRTC is a WebRTC JavaScript library for audio/video as well as screen activity recording. It supports Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Android, and Microsoft Edge. Platforms: Linux, Mac and Windows.

141 questions
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How to record screen using RecordRTC in Angular 6

I am trying to record screen with the following code snippet
1 answer

Issue using Reader.onloadend: read previous data

I'm trying to understand a code developed by another person. Briefly, I need to record an audio stream from the microphone and send it to Google API Speech Recongition system. We are using recordrtc. I have a button that, if pressed, records the…
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FormData is showing empty while appending the value in Angular 2

I am using RecordRTC to record the voice and trying to send the recorded voice to server. Below is the code to store the blob and file name. public uploadToServer(recordRTC, callback) { let blob = this.recordRTC instanceof Blob ? this.recordRTC…
Maneesh Rao
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Can't record higher framerate in recordRTC

Can't record higher than 30 fps using recordRTC to webm. Camera is capable of recording at 60 fps at the desired resolution at 1920x1080. Any ideas on how to fully record the 60 fps? var options = { mimeType: 'video/webm', video: { …
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Chrome screen audio capture won't work on Mac

I'm building a chrome extension that captures mic + screen + screen audio with recordrtc. Everything is working on Windows, but it seems recording screen audio is not allowed on Mac. Is there a way to get around this?
Matt Hough
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Ability to record web page within browser without any extension

I'm working on a POC to record webpage screen and send the recording back to server without any extensions or application software support. Tried various approaches but those are not meeting my requirement. Requirement in detail: Need to record the…
1 answer

RecordRTC file size on recording

Is there any way to get the file size on recording? So, I can stop the recording when the it hits the maximal size allowed? Currently there are only way to stop recording, by stop it using stop button and set the duration using…
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Node, Angular, RecordRTC - saving uploaded video blob to disk

I want to write an uploaded Video+Audio blob to disk on a node server. The blob was generated by RecordRTC after recording the stream and I use Angular's $ to send the video blob along with some other identifying data to the server as below…
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Is is possible to publish a stream from recordRTC to a tokbox Session?

I want to capture screen (or a canvas) with recordRTC and send it to tokbox session as a stream instead of a stream from camera, microphone or sharescreen. What I want is subscribers gets a stream that is the record of a canvas of the other peer…
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Any way to get interval based audio blob using RecordRTC

I am implementing something which takes video/audio using client brwoser and at specific interval upload the chunks of that to server. Now on server side I need to do something with audio and then broadcast the same video with the updated audio to…
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RecordRTC making noise without headphone video recording

I am new to RecordRTC.js, i have simple application that record audio and video and save that video. this is working fine if i record video using headphone. but if i remove the headphone and try to record video then it creating some terrible noise.…
Dr Magneto
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1 answer

RecordRTC - Create videos with mic+visualization?

Is it possible to combine the 'canvas' recorder and the 'audio' recorder features in RecordRTC to create a single .webm video that has the canvas animations as video and the mic input as the audio?
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Why The Program Writes To Socket Empty?

I am making a program which records video, and sends its blobs to a socket every 5 secs.It seems working properly but when i look at the files received by the server, i see all the programs written by socket client are empty= 0kb.Can you help me…
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Is it possible to record a window without user intervention in recordrtc?

I know it may sound shady, but I'm developing a window recording program (right now using ffmpeg + gdigrab to grab windows) that records The question is, can I pass the window to be recorded without the user having to choose it? Thanks!
Eli A
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1 answer

Sending audio file created with RecordRTC to my server

I am new to working with Javascript, PHP, and with servers generally. I am working on a web page that will record audio from the user and save it to my server, using RecordRTC. I'm a bit confused about the XMLHttpRequest portion - how do I alter the…
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