Questions tagged [real-time-data]

Real-time data is information that is delivered immediately after collection. For questions regarding the real-time data feature of Excel, choose the 'RTD' tag.

Real-time data is information that is delivered immediately after collection. There is no delay in the timeliness of the information provided, save of technical limitations such as transmission delay. Areas of application are navigation, tracking or charting.

239 questions
7 answers

AngularFire2: Realtime Database: how to get key and value

I use AngularFire2 to get data from Firebase Database (realtime). What I have done: Firebase Database { “class” : { “student” : { “Tom” : “male”, “Mary” : “female”, “Peter” : “male”, “Laura” : “female” …
Phong Vu
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Spark cluster fails on bigger input, works well for small

I'm playing with Spark. It is the default, pre-built distribution (0.7.0) from the website, with default config, cluster mode, one worker (my localhost). I read the docs on installing and everything seems fine. I have a CSV file (various sizes, 1000…
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How to stream opencv frame with django frame in realtime?

I'm trying to use raspberry pi capture the image from USB camera and stream it with Django framework I have tried to use StreamingHttpResponse to stream the frame from Opencv2. However, it just shows 1 frame and not replacing the image. How can I…
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Can we connect more than 10 devices with wi-fi hot-spot in Android

I am working on project push to talk over wifi hotspot or wifi direct in real time, but I am unable to connect more than 10 devices through one hotspot as android given this limitation. but I want to connect 40 - 50 devices, so can anyone tell me…
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(Twitter) Storm's Window On Aggregation

I'm playing around with Storm, and I'm wondering where Storm specifies (if possible) the (tumbling/sliding) window size upon an aggregation. E.g. If we want to find the trending topics for the previous hour on Twitter. How do we specify that a bolt…
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How to get Acknowledgement from Kafka

How to I exactly get the acknowledgement from Kafka once the message is consumed or processed. Might sound stupid but is there any way to know the start and end offset of that message for which the ack has been received ?
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High-performance realtime data display

I'm trying to find a tool for plotting data (mostly line graphs and such) that can be used for high performance applications. My data window typically contains between 500 to several thousand points, and I'd be happy with a framerate of 10 or so. I…
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AppSync/Graphql Multiple subscriptions or one subscriptions for multiple ids?

Problem : We are trying to make a chat application using AWS product AppSync and we want to achive the best performance but we're facing problem with real time subscriptions in AppSync and Graphql where a single user will need to handle hundereds…
3 answers

How to specify the number of rows a pandas dataframe will have?

I have a Pandas dataframe and I am continually appending a row of data each second as below. df.loc[time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")] = [reading1, reading2, reading3] >>>df sensor1 sensor2 sensor3 2015-04-14 08:50:23 5.4 …
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Real time data in Google Analytics is now showing

I have a problem with real-time data using Google Analytics v3.1 Users, events, e-commerce is working fine, but real-time features like screen tracking is not showing. Here is GAI initialiser code: [GAI sharedInstance].trackUncaughtExceptions =…
1 answer

Android real time messaging

i m trying to develop an aap. in android which behaves like a client/server architecture. my app communicates messages to server to rout to specified clients.. i have heard that this could be accomplished by a REAL TIME MESSAGING client. i have to…
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Real time server Updates to the Browser

I'm searching for a framework which can provide real time updates form a server to the browser like it is used in web chats, google wave, google buzz, facebook etc. I found Rocket GWT but the last update was over a year ago... The best…
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How to Show Live Location of User in SignalR?

I am building a user location tracking application for a client. I am getting the location via Client (Android) using SignalR Hub Method and Saving in MongoDb My Code public async Task UpdateLocation(double latitude, double longitude) { await…
test noob
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TimescaleDB and PipelineDB Integration

(I was going to post this on the DBA SE, but there's no timescale tag.) I'm using TimescaleDB to store a real-time stream of about 500-1000 inserts per second, and need to pass this data to a client application as soon as it comes in. I don't…
1 answer

Server Side Events Start/Stop

I am displaying some real time data from a MySQL database using PHP and JavaScript. Everything works as expected and the data is displaying as I want. However, I would now like to implement two simple buttons to achieve the following; stop - pause…
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