Questions tagged [read-data]

101 questions
0 answers

NFC communication - Mifare DESFire EV1 - AES - Read Data

I'm trying to read data with a Mifare DESFire EV1 - AES. The authentication went well and I got a 0x00 + RNDAR that is matching the one on my side. Now I need to read data with the 0xBD instruction but I keep having 16 random bytes as a…
0 answers

How to use task (or probably section) to read big-data while data-processing

As can be seen from the code below, the time for reading the big data will eat a large portion of the total CPU time. In my opinion, there should be some way to efficiently enhance the efficiency of data-reading. For instance, when one thread is…
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How to read "numeric form string data" without changing into integer data type?

I want to read data and specify the data type at the beginning. I have csv data look like this, it's data type is "character": Id "76561198042769362 " "76561198049454009 " "76561198066403163 " "76561198079071374 " And when I read data, it…
S.F. Yeh
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write and read NSData from external hardrive

I am searching for a way to write and read data from xcode program to an external hard drive. If I navigate to my external hardrive via finder and go to video right click hold options and copy file path i get this. /Volumes/GoPro…
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1 answer

Read data from updating dat file in Fortran

I have an output from a code in dat format. The file has the following format Text Text Text Text 3241234234 234234 23423423 34123424 1324234 iteration pressure temperature density 1 1234 312 2.12 2 1235 321 2.15 3 1234 312 2.12 4 1235 321 2.15 5…
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How to read/calculte data using loop in python?

I am the new for python. I try to process data (g in following) using difference method, that subtracts one array from others. I have the following codes. The difference between code 1 and code 2 is: code 1 preallocates a space for list, and in the…
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How to read XML data from an API in PHP?

I'm trying to read data from an API in PHP in XML format. I tried PredictionCollection as $collection) { $stmt =…
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How to succesfull read my tcpip connection

I implemented a few months ago a function that sends data from Matlab to a Weiss WSG50 gripper. This is a Robotic Gripper Tool and uses binary codes as commands. I established a connection with the tcpip function. I wrote my commands and sended them…
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1 answer

how can i fix this syntax error in QBASIC about READ DATA

This is my code INPUT "what year right now : ", thn1 CLS thn2 = thn1 num = 0 PRINT "No Jenis Kelamin Tanggal Lahir NPM Nama" 10 READ jk$, tgl$, thl, npm$, nma$ IF jk$ = "0" THEN END thn1 = thn2 thn1 = thn1 - thl IF jk$ = "L" OR…
1 answer

Loading Selected Column from SQL to PySpark

I am new to (Py)Spark. I have a very big dataset. I have two table which I want to join. The dataset is residing in SQL database. I am using the Jupyter Notebook. So, I just want load from SQL table only column I need for my analysis. …
James Taylor
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1 answer

Need to use seek(), tell(), next() and readline() function together

In my case, I have two csv file (file1 and file2). To simplify my question, let's say that I want to read elements of file1, 3 by 3 and file2 4 by 4 consecutively. file1.csv (9…
Mas A
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1 answer

How to enter into enumarate() loop more than one time

I want to read a big data file 100 by 100. But my script reads only first 100 line, then it never enters in "for loop" for the rest. More clearly, in the end, I get only lines from 0 to 100, but I want also 100-200, 200-300, 300-400 etc. I can't…
Mas A
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1 answer

I attempted to use tf.TextLineReader to read data line by line, but olny odd-numbered line was read in

I attempted to use tf.TextLineReader to read text dataset, but olny odd-numbered line was read in. I don't know why. How should i do to make it read data line by line? import tensorflow as…
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Serial Port does not return any data

I need to write a program that will read the data from the indicator. In the Device Manager on computer the indicator is defined as USB-ITN and create virtual serial port(COM18). Here is my code: using System; using…
Igor Osipov
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1 answer

How to separate a CSV file with commas as eparators and as decimals in Python

I have this data in a CSV file and i want to read it in python. The problem is that the decimal points and the delimiter are both commas. How can I read the CSV file in a way that the 1,2,3,4,6,8,10,11 and 15 commas are used as delimiters and the…