Questions tagged [read-data]

101 questions
0 answers

ggplot2 code runs and updates plot but no I see a bunch of numbers instead of data

I used the same code to plot my data last week, and got it all right. I updated the data with new rows, so this is the only thing I changed, but then ggplot does not plot the data but a bunch of numbers as shown in the pictures I attached. I'm sure…
1 answer

R: Issues when pulling values from a nested list into a dataframe

so this should be a relatively easy question on pulling items in a list into a dataframe, but I'm stuck on something. I have the following list (I'm showing just part of the list for you, it's far longer than this): str(raw_jobs_list) List of 2 $…
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Read a specific field from firebase using python

I am trying to read a specific field from firebase using python 3. Here is what I have so far import firebase_admin from firebase_admin import credentials from firebase_admin import firestore from firebase_admin import credentials, firestore # Use…
0 answers

Swift: Get data from autoID with passing data?

I have tableView with just names array. I need to pass data to another view controller with selected row, but I don't need to pass data from cell, but need data from that Id from firebase from selected row (ex. email, phone number... this data is…
1 answer

Problems reading an .rdb file in R

I am trying to read an .rdb file to collect the R codes contained in it. However, when using the following code the following error appears, see: > setwd("C:\\Users\\") > lazyLoad(filebase="treeTaper",envir=parent.frame()) NULL > The message seems…
Breno S.
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1 answer

How to read multiple JSON objects in a single file?

I want to read multiple JSON objects from a single file imported from local dir. So far this is my simple work: Data: [{ "uuid": "6f476e26", "created": "2018-09-26T06:57:04.142232", "creator": "admin" }, { "uuid": "11d1e78a", …
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3 answers

How read data from file that is separated by a blank line in Java

For example I have a file "input.txt" : This is the first data This is the second data This is the last data on the last line And I want to store this data in a ArrayList in this form: [This is the first data, This is the second data, This is the…
1 answer

Pandas using stack or melt(using columns as rows) with multiple rows as column header

I need to use the melt function(pandas) in order to turn my data table into a 1-dimensional format, but I have columns with two rows, and based on my research I had to use multi indexing for defining those rows as columns. for instance: df.columns =…
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2 answers

Saving Multiple files in Python

I am trying to create a new file each time the following runs. At the moment it creates 1 file and just overwrites it. Is there a to make it not overwrite and create a new file for each loop? import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import time import…
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Reading a txt file separated by "¬" in R

I'm trying to read a txt file in R with read.table. The data is separated with an ¬, but I have a problem with all the column names and the data read, I think it doesn't properly recognize that character. data <- read.table(file="SB11_20191.TXT",…
1 answer

Reading data from Firestore in Swift

I am currently developing an IOS app, and I need a database! I've chosen the google firestore! I need to read some fields I create that have subfields! Something like…
0 answers

Read data from xlsx file with java

This is code to read data from an Excel file in Java and I have a problem with switch case statement which is: duplicate case label an enum switch case label must be unqualified name of enumeration constant". Please tell me, what's the problem…
1 answer

SwiftUI and Firestore - logic for reading multiple documents from different collections at startup

I'm using Firebase Firestore in my SwiftUI app project. At the start of the app, I want to read multiple documents from various collections. Let's say I have collection A (1 document), B (2 documents) and C (4 documents). The data in the documents…
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0 answers

How to read data from Real time database firebase using flutter with a complicated JSON tree

I am working on a flutter app and I found obstacles on how to read product_name and price from Firebase and display them in list I tried this code but it returns the whole JSON tree as a Text class _BeveragesProductsState extends…
0 answers

Trigger Snackbar on external file creation/update

I am a newbie. in Angular, I have implemented a snackbar where click event triggers it for 3 seconds. This however is not what I exactly need. I am to receive values from a Python code in JSON/text form. As soon as the file is recieved/changed, it…