Questions tagged [read-data]

101 questions
0 answers

function of Inserting Data from File (.csv) to Variables Does not work

C++ Code Basically i am trying to take input from a file and store the data in variables, But i am unable to do that because each time i compile this code it compiles successfully but gives a runtime error.(Right Now i have just Data of 3 Students,…
0 answers

Read and Print Excel Data on console and Open all excel links present in sheet

public class UrlTesting { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, BiffException { System.setProperty("", "C:\\Users\\Jatin\\Downloads\\chromedriver_v83\\chromedriver.exe"); WebDriver…
1 answer

Cplex: How to read different data input from dat.file in a for loop

I am stuck with a flow control problem and failed to get a way out from the given CPLEX examples. I want to solve the optimization problem for 16 times, and the only thing that differs is the input of demand. (Because we have trouble running the…
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Problems reading datas from pressure and temperature sensor ICP-101xx

I’m working with a ICP-10110 pressure and temperature sensor but I have some problems using functions HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit() and HAL_I2C_Master_Receive(). Here it is the sensor…
2 answers

Get Value of specific Column while Login (C# Mysql)

I am trying to make a login at the moment. I watched some videos and found a good way. Every user has an id, Username and Password. I want to get the id of the user who has just been logged in and save it in an Integer. I also tried it with an…
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2 answers

Reading text file with abnormal delimitor

I am using an algorithm to lemmatize a text vector. The output is a .txt file stored in the way shown in the picture below. The original word is listed in the first column, whilst the various lemmas are listed in the second column, followed by…
Oda Ned
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2 answers

Reading data using regular expression

For my project, I need to read file and match it with my constants and once matches, need to store them in a dictionary. I am going to show a sample of my data and what I have so far below. My data: TIMESTAMP: 1579051725…
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NullPointer Exception Error when i am trying to read from AWS Dyanamodb in Android?

I am trying to load Phone Number as a string from Dynamodb but it is showing NullPointer Error Here is My Activity Code in which i am trying to Log the data public class TokenActivity extends Activity { DynamoDBMapper dynamoDBMapper; …
1 answer

Get Data From Mysql Database to Android

I am trying to get user_details from mysql to my android applicaion. For this I am posting data from android and getting the values by $_POST['mobile'] and $_POST['usertype'] method in my php page. To check if data is posting or not I have tried…
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1 answer

View photo from firebase in recycleview

how i am want to add function setOnClickListener to my code and Push information that continues to the clicked record to another activity. I don't know how to do that . i happy to accept help . thank's. I have attached the two pieces of code I am…
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3 answers

How to return data in array from Firestore?

I am building an IOS app and I am at the stage where I want to load some categories in a pickerview. The list of categories is stored in Firestore as documents. I have a function that does the following: Initiate an array Read data from…
Shaft jackson
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1 answer

For loop to read data from excel sheet in selenium using python

from openpyxl import load_workbook def Email_ID(row_Num, cell_Num, sheet): wb = load_workbook('/Users/Umesh/Downloads/Test_Read.xlsx') sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name(sheet) email = sheet.cell(row=row_Num, column=cell_Num).value if…
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Reading and graphing data from a messy file using first 2 and last string of the lines

If there are any similar questions with answers, please comment it down. So far, I have seen questions like this for Java but not Python after browsing. I am trying to take the data from a messy file (with no headers), read and graph it. The…
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1 answer

Read and Parse JSON file but getting double braces on parsing

I wanted to read and parse my valid JSON file. but may be i am doing something wrong in loading hence not getting valid file I have a json file holding valid JSON data. But when i load it with using: (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(filePath)) …
Isbah Khan
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1 answer

How to import European formated time series (thousands separator) into python or r

I run into some problems when importing stock data from a csv-file which has a European format, that looks like this: Date ;Stock1;Stock2 03.05.2019 ;1.581,70;20,76 30.04.2019 ;1.588,46;20,72 currently I am using pandas' read_csv command. Which…
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