Questions tagged [react-native-fs]

165 questions
2 answers

React-native Invalid UTF-8 detected while trying to read a image file

I am trying to read an image file using the URI using react-native-fs and redux-saga: file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/605FB6C0-869C-4128-883E-A59616933C64/Documents/images/52108C66-A087-4942-9DD4-22CBD0327089.jpg Below is the line…
1 answer

which react native library should i use to access music files locally stored on android

I want to access and run music files stored locally on android and ios devices. I tried using react-native-fs but couldn't managed to access. So are there any other better libraries available to use it.
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Preview and upload react-native-camera recorded video

I'm trying to implement a camera in a React-native app. The goal of the application is to record a video and upload it and then delete it from the phone. I managed to record the video using react-native-camera. React-native-camera returns a path for…
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react-native-fs [Error: Directory could not be created]

I am trying to create a directory using RNFS.mkdir, but it's warning "Directory could not be created"... "react-native-fs": "^2.18.0", "react-native": "0.64.0", The function that I use to write is the following: const phoneStorageDir =…
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Why my code doesn't run after my react-native-ffmpeg promise?

After downloading video and audio, I use react-native-ffmpeg to get the final video file. It works. I want to delete the 1.mp4 and 2.mp4 when I get the final video file. The problem is that the code after await getFinalVideo(path, path1, path2,…
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How to access files from a hidden folder in react-native-fs

I am not able to access files from a hidden folder /WhatsApp/Media/.Statuses in react-native-fs. Whenever I access I get back an empty array. I have granted READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission (Android). My code goes like this : import RNFS from…
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Unable to read file contents in react-native >0.59

I want to upload documents in my react native app and for that I am using react-native-document-picker But to read the base64 content of the file react-native-fs is needed which has a dependency issue (needs react-native v0.59) I am unable to…
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How to slice a file into chunks in react-native

ImagePicker.launchImageLibrary(options, (response) => { createChunks(response); }); I got file uri,path from imagepicker, i want to divide the file into chunks and upload as form data,How to divide the media file(mp4,etc) into chunks in…
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React Native import RNFS get Native module cannot be null

I'm developing a react-native application, when I try import RNFS from "react-native-fs" I get the following message: Invariant Violation: Native Module Cannot Be Null What's wrong with that?
Vito Lipari
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Manual link react-native-fs in react native

I'm mac user and "react-native link react-native-fs" doesn’t work for me. How to manually link this? its just matter for me to work in android. and please check that im do the right thing till here first thing i do is npm install react-native-fs…
0 answers

How do you copy a file to and from an external USB drive in iOS/iPadOS?

I'm building a react native app where I need to view the contents of an external storage device and copy files to and from said device through my app. On android I'm using an sd card mounted on a USB adapter and connected through a USB C cable). I…
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Uploading a file to GraphQL using Apollo Client

I am currently trying to upload a file (an image from RNCamera) from a react native android app to a GraphQL backend. However, the backend always returns status code 400. So far, I have tried using another query that only requires a string (instead…
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React Native FS readFile returns invalid path for iOS

I have the functionality to readFile using RNFS library and CameraRoll of React Native. Here is my code below: const base64Image = await RNFS.readFile(uri, 'base64'); It's working fine for Android but not in iOS. Here is the error for iOS…
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Download a pdf and save to device (ios and android) in react-native

I am pretty new to react-native (app development as such). I want to download and save a pdf file in user's device in react-native? react-native-fs and rn-fetch-blob showed up as popular options. I am using redux-saga in my project and axios to…
Shriprada S
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How to get folder size and lenght in react native

How to get folder size and number of files in a folder? I try with react-native-fs readDir. let pat2 = RNFS.DocumentDirectoryPath + '/myFolder' RNFS.readDir(pat2) .then((result) => { console.log(result.size) }) .catch((err) => { …
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