Questions tagged [ramdisk]

A RAM disk or RAM drive is a block of RAM (primary storage or volatile memory) that a computer's software is treating as if the memory were a disk drive (secondary storage)

A RAM disk or RAM drive is a block of RAM (primary storage or volatile memory) that a computer's software is treating as if the memory were a disk drive (secondary storage)

149 questions
1 answer

Does OS X have an equivalent to /dev/shm?

Does OS X (Snow Leopard in particular) have an equivalent to (some versions of) Linux's /dev/shm , ie something where you can write to and read from a file without necessarily touching the hard drive?
Andrew Grimm
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4 answers

How can I create a ramdisk in Python?

I want to create a ramdisk in Python. I want to be able to do this in a cross-platform way, so it'll work on Windows XP-to-7, Mac, and Linux. I want to be able to read/write to the ramdisk like it's a normal drive, preferably with a drive…
Ram Rachum
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4 answers

Write-through RAM disk, or massive caching of file system?

I have a program that is very heavily hitting the file system, reading and writing to a set of working files. The files are several gigabytes in size, but not so large as to not fit on a RAM disk. The machines this program runs on are typically…
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2 answers

Sharing large datasets between Matlab and R

I need a relatively efficient way to share data between Matlab and R. I have checked SaveR and MATLAB R-link, but SaveR formats Matlab's binary data as text strings first and then prints them to an ASCII file, which is not efficient for large…
Amelio Vazquez-Reina
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2 answers

Gradle - make use of RAMdisk

I just run into idea of using RAMdisk for compilation results 1 How to use RAMdisk with Gradle? I guess it is worth moving .gradle and build folders into RAMdisk.
Paul Verest
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5 answers

RAMdisk slower than disk?

A python program I created is IO bounded. The majority of the time (over 90%) is spent in a single loop which repeats ~10,000 times. In this loop, ~100KB data is generated and written to a temporary file; it is then read back out by another program…
Mark Bell
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3 answers

Can a java RAM disk be created to be used with the* API?

I'm using a 3rd party library which basically creates an output directory with different kinds of files and subdirectories inside. I would like to be able to write unit tests to confirm that the output is correct. I would like to be able to use the…
Tomislav Nakic-Alfirevic
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2 answers

What is the /dev/shm equivalence in Windows System?

I was wondering how can I make the IO faster by writing and reading temporary files to main memory. I've used to write to /dev/shm in Linux. But now I'm in Windows 7. Anyone knows the answer ? Thanks
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3 answers

Do ramdisks really improve vs2010 performance?

Do ramdisks really improve vs2010 performance (general and build times)? If so, what are all the steps I have to do to get the maximum benefit of it? Can it also help resharper? Thanks, André Carlucci
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2 answers

Building ionic angular app fails when built from teamcity but succeeds every where else

We are working on a new angular ionic app and it builds on all our machines from powershell but on our build machine when it pulls the files from perforce to our D: drive it fails to build. Our build machine is using teamcity and we are using the…
Max Young
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2 answers

In-Memory File System for Windows

I have a command-line executable which I need to run from Java on Windows XP. It uses files as input and output. But I want to avoid the overhead of file IO, so I thought of an in-memory RAM file system. NetBSD has mount_mfs. Could you recommend…
Joshua Fox
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3 answers

busybox in embedded linux shows "applet not found"

I compiled busybox myself,and I put it in our embedded linux. But I have some questions. Question 1:When I try to use some command such as gzip,it prints "gzip: applet not found".While I checked the menuconfig of busybox,I make sure that I've…
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0 answers

how does tombstones works in android-kernel

mkdir /data/tombstones 0771 system system symlink /data/tombstones /tombstones mkdir /tombstones/mdm 0771 system system mkdir /tombstones/modem 0771 system system mkdir /tombstones/lpass 0771 system system # For firmwares …
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1 answer

SQL Hint to load entire table into RAM before execution?

I'm running some aggregation queries on some very large tables in an OLAP environment. I'm currently bottlenecked by disk IO at 200 MB/s. I'm doing these queries on a machine with 92 GB of RAM. Is there any SQL hint I can write into my query that…
John Shedletsky
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2 answers

Is it possible to get persistent RAM disk with Imdisk?

I have moved my JDK, workspace and Tomcat server to a RAM disk which is created with the help of Imdisk tool. This move has beefed up my Eclipse IDE and my productivity. But I loose my virtual disk whenever I boot up my machine. Is it a way to…
Himanshu Yadav
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