Questions tagged [ramdisk]

A RAM disk or RAM drive is a block of RAM (primary storage or volatile memory) that a computer's software is treating as if the memory were a disk drive (secondary storage)

A RAM disk or RAM drive is a block of RAM (primary storage or volatile memory) that a computer's software is treating as if the memory were a disk drive (secondary storage)

149 questions
1 answer

How to Add root Password to Ramdisk

Hope all are doing good... Here, I was created Ramdisk by using this guide (RAMDISK)and stored it into the NAND flash. By the default there is no password for root login. So I want to add the root password. How to add the root password in that…
1 answer

Create mmap within virtual ramdisk

How can I use mmap to reserve memory within a virtual ramdisk? Lets say I do: mkdir /mnt/ramdisk mount -t tmpfs -o size=10m tmpfs /mnt/ramdisk I now have a virtual ramdisk, but how do I map to it within my C program? int main() { // .... …
Syntactic Fructose
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2 answers

python multi-threads read a read-only memory buffer bypass GIL

I have many files on disk need to read, the 1st option is use multi-threads, it perform very well on SSD. (when threads blocked by IO, it will release GIL) But I wanna achieve similar or faster speed without SSD, so I pre-load them into memory(like…
1 answer

compare catalog and compressed catalog (is there new changes)

I want to compare catalog with compressed without extracting or compress files and compare. Is there any way to compare directory with compressed directory ? Example: I have some files in tmpfs (ramdisk), before server shutdown, I need to save files…
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Question regarding Ramdisk image

I have just started using 0xlab's android port. I have been successfully able to create the file system and have been able to flash it as well. However, I have 2 questions to ask: 1) How do I create a ramdisk image and what should be the…
1 answer

File system optimizations (ext3)

I have a PHP application that for every request loads 1 ini file, and at least 10 PHP files. As these same files are loaded for every single request I thought about mounting them on a ram disk but I have been told that the linux filing system (ext3)…
Linus Norton
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3 answers

How to create SQLite in-memory database at specific address

I want to use SQLite to store some metadata information within a file. This file is already mmap'd. What I want to be able to do is create a SQLite DB, passing in a char* to tell it where to make the DB, instead of having it allocate its own. Can…
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C code measuring disk write time in linux and dealing with RAM buffering

referring to where it describes how disk i/o is buffered in memory. I'd like to account for this, and undo it actually, to measure how long it takes to write various amounts of data to file. What i am looking to do is…
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1 answer

How to mount a drive in RAM in Java

I'm trying to code a RAMDisk, but I don't know how to mount a drive in RAM. I'm going to be writing this in Java. But could anyone point me to the way of making the disk in RAM with a letter and name. Thanks! EDIT: For clarification, I want to make…
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0 answers

Error when trying to use tmpfs for MySQL in Vagrant

I have a Vagrant machine to run Symfony and it does a lot of interaction with a MySQL database. To try to speed it up a little bit I though about using a tmpfs file system for the data dir. The data dir is located at /var/lib/mysql, so here's what I…
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1 answer

Bootable Linux Image that can be loaded in RAM

I wonder if there is a simple way to create a bootable Linux iso image such that boots with initramfs and no longer accesses the iso image once booted. I'd like it to boot to multiuser with running ssh server and maybe set up some other services…
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2 answers

Change /dev/zero in MINIX to produce 'a'

For a project I have to change the zero-driver to produce an infinite amount of 'a' instead of the usual zero. So I modified /usr/src/drivers/memory/memory.c This was the original: /* Initialize /dev/zero. Simply write zeros into the buffer. */ for…
Armand Maree
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1 answer

Files take up more space on the disk

When viewing details of a file using Finder, different values are shown for how much space the file occupies. For example, a file takes up 28.8KB of RAM but, 33KB of the disk. Anyone know the explanation?
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1 answer

caching on ramdisk - finding stalest file to delete

I have a nice caching system in linux that uses a ramdisk to cache both image files and the HTML output of various pages of my website. My website is rather large and the ramdisk space required to cache everything exceeds 15GB (excluding image…
1 answer

C# code has issues with RamDisk path length

I've copied a file over to a RAM Disk, but I get an error message that doesn't make sense as the path is actually shorter than on the physical disk and is certainly less than 260 characters. Any suggestions how to get around this issue. Changing the…
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