Questions tagged [radians]

Questions regarding angular sizes, arguments for trigonometric functions geometry etc.

Radian is a unit of angular measure. It is measured as the ratio between the length of the corresponding arc and its radius. It is often used as an argument to trigonometric function (e.g., sin, cosine etc.). It is also used as an angular measure for frquency analysis of signals (e.g., in Fourier space).

144 questions
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How do I draw the points in an ESRI Polyline, given the bounding box as lat/long and the "points" as radians?

I'm using OpenMap and I'm reading a ShapeFile using com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ShapeFile. The bounding box is read in as lat/long points, for example 39.583642,-104.895486. The bounding box is a lower-left point and an upper-right point which…
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Python angle calculation for image rotation

I am working on an application which first needs to rotate an image slightly in order to deskew it. I have detected a vertical line down the image between two points (x1, y1) and (x2,y2). The vertical line is not entirely vertical - the second x…
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Radian of 90 degrees is at 45

Ok I have constructed a fiddle Questions, why am I seeing all the lines overlapping and why even when I construct a radian from a degree is it still overlapping? var radians = 90 * (Math.PI/180); //90 degrees if I'm…
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GLM: function taking degrees as a parameter is deprecated (WHEN USING RADIANS)

Currently using VC++ 11 with SDL2, GLM, and GLEW. The issue is stemming from GLM when I attempt to do two things: Create a rotation matrix, create a perspective camera matrix (3D). The error is: "GLM: perspective function taking degrees as a…
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Radian Angle Check in Box2d Objective-C

I am creating a Car Game in Objective C with Box2D. I want to rotate the Car Wheels according to a CCSprite (Steering) Rotation. So For this, i am successfully able to set the angle for CCSprite Steering according to touch. But when i am trying to…
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objective-c : what is the equivalent of java Math.toRadians(EndLat - StartLat) in objective-c?

what is the equivalent of java function Double EndLat; Double StartLat; Math.toRadians(EndLat - StartLat); in objective-c?
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Three.js How to convert values to degrees in the control panel using dat.GUI?

I made a simple slider in control panel to modify the position and rotation of an object. I have no problem with the position, as the values are relative, but I'd like to show the rotation's values in degrees. Here is what I have in the rotation…
Afx Crush
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Why do the outcomes of converting an angle with deg2rad and by multiplying with pi/180 differ?

I'm using the Matlab function deg2rad to convert angles from degrees to radians (obviously). I use them for angles alpha and beta, which are in turn used to interpolate some tabular data f(alpha, beta), which is with respect to alpha and beta in…
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0 answers

Simple AI method to make sprite follow player using car physics?

I am making a top-down car battling game using JavaScript. I need a simple method to make the enemy car follow the player around the map based on the players coordinates. The hard part for me is that I need to make sure the enemy car uses the same…
1 answer

How to convert time of day into radians with 0/2Pi = sunrise and Pi=sunset?

I have a big dataset (continuous across months), and I need to perform circular statistics to assess a potential effect of diel cycles. For this, I converted all cyclic data into radians. I need now to do the same with the time of the day. The…
0 answers

Hex to lat lon radians conversion

I need to convert a Hex value to latitude/longitude. I didn't succeed in what I tried.. I have for example the Hex value : 0x3F0EFA35 and I know it is E3200000 - East 32 degrees 0 minutes, 0 miliseconds, the Hex value represents radians values from…
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How can I get MATLAB to display radians in terms of pi?

I am trying to make a programme to convert cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates. My calculator returns arctan(1) as pi/4. MATLAB on the other hand returns atan(1) as 0.7854. How can I get MATLAB to return numbers like this as expressions of…
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How to convert mouse movements to rotation of an element

I'm building a wheel menu control. The idea is you spin the wheel until the item you want to act on is in view, then you click on it or whatever. I'm trying to figure out how to translate the user's mouse movements (x & y) into the number of degrees…
Andrew Hedges
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Convert Accelerometer in 3D Rotation

I need to convert the motion from an accelerometer into the appropriate values in order to rotate a SceneKit Object. My code to convert the raw x,y,z values into Radians is: let theta : Float = atan2(x, sqrtf(powf(y, 2)+powf(z, 2))) let…
0 answers

What is the constant value of D3DX_PI?

What is the const value of D3DX_PI? Does it not really matter how i define, so for example i can just define it as #define D3DX_PI 3.14 Or would it need to be more precie like: #define D3DX_PI 3.1415926535897932384626
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