Questions tagged [radians]

Questions regarding angular sizes, arguments for trigonometric functions geometry etc.

Radian is a unit of angular measure. It is measured as the ratio between the length of the corresponding arc and its radius. It is often used as an argument to trigonometric function (e.g., sin, cosine etc.). It is also used as an angular measure for frquency analysis of signals (e.g., in Fourier space).

144 questions
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How do I write a Java program that calculates the distance between two points on earth?

I know how to start it out and I know how to put in the scanners and everything, but in school, I've never really learned about longitude and latitude formulas and how to convert those points into radians. So I'm pretty much stuck on this Java…
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How to move an image in a perfect circle around the screen?

I am rather stuck right now. I am trying to develop a game in which an image moves around the circumference of a circle, but I have no idea how to do it. I know radians, Pi and trigonometry are involved, and I know some basic maths involving them,…
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How can I use functions to complete the following table? I came close to having it solved, but I'm getting exception errors

[Code on SoloLearn Part 1][Code on SoloLearn Part 2]1[My Take Home Assignment [][1]2` [Radians, Tangent, Sine, Cosine, and Degrees Table import java.util.Scanner; public class St_Johns_University { public static void main(String[] args) { …
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Using if statement to call a function in Python

Convert from Degree to radian and backward def degree_to_radian(in_degree): angles_in_radian=(in_degree*pi)/180 return(angles_in_radian) def radian_to_degree(in_radian): angles_in_degree=in_radian*180/pi return(angles_in_degree) I…
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Is it bad practice to keep increasing rotational degrees (over 360)

I am experimenting with a creative javascript framework P5.js and often times I'm using degrees to rotate a sphere. However, I do this by continuously increasing a variable and basing the rotation off of that variable. Is it a bad practice to…
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c++ - Vector2D math not giving me the right results

I'm trying to create a vector2D class for my game but I think I'm getting the math wrong. When I create a new vector2d object it automatically sets its x and y to 1, 1 in the constructor. Vector2D vec; std::cout << " x: " << vec.GetX() << "…
3 answers

How to convert points to radians in Objective-C?

In my app I'm using UIBezierPath to draw an arc into a circle. I'm trying to correlate a number to radians. So let's say a user has a certain number of points, and the points are capped at 100 points. I want 100 points to be 360 degrees. I want the…
Faisal Syed
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Convert standard 360-degree to atan2

I need to reverse calculation of standard 360 angle to atan2. It's my standard angle calulation Standard angle = (int) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(y,x)); if(angle < 0) angle += 360; I need Math.atan2 value from angle how to achieve that.
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Java get cos or sin of angle

I have the folling: double angle = 0.0; double rad = Math.toRadians(angle); double sinIs = Math.sin(rad); double cosIs = Math.cos(rad); I would expect the result to be: rad=0.0 sinIs=0 cosIs=1 However the return Math.toRadians(0.0) will…
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Web Mercator formulas spitting out blatantly incorrect values

EDIT: I simply forgot to convert degrees to radians. I've been trying to convert some latitude and longitude coordinates to Web Mercator pixel form, and the formulas listed on wikipedia are spitting out blatantly incorrect values. Wikipedia says…
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2 Different Radians constant calculations what's the difference?

Most commonly I see in programs that convert radians to degrees and degrees to radians for trigonometry people always use two different ways to get the radian constant. double PI = 3.14159265358979; double Radians = (2 * PI) / 360; Most commonly I…
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Radians error message with Lat / Lon calculation

I'm creating a website with an events calendar where users search by location (lon/lat) and I found this online which has a calculation but I keep getting the error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function RADIANS() in ... Why I may be getting…
3 answers

Why this program does not work?

//this is a program to find robotic arm inv kinematics. my doubt is not in kine:-). My program executes but always prints "position unacheivable", even for a known value, it does the same. here I have used radians for angles since thats what c…
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Sine to radians Objective-C

This part of an app that I am working on, I have the following equation in objective C. All variables are floats. r is a sine of an angle and I would like to convert r to radians when diplayed in the text field. r = ns/ni r = sinf(r); rr =…
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how to make a script converting to radians the degree,seconds,minutes?

I am using python and I am having trouble making a script converting an angle with the degree,minutes,seconds given in radiant. I already tried a few things but I am pretty new so I need help
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