Questions tagged [radar-chart]

A radar chart graphically displays the values of three or more categories along a separate axis that starts in the center of the chart.

A radar chart, also known as a spider chart or a star chart, graphically displays the values of three or more categories along a separate axis that starts in the center of the chart.

293 questions
5 answers

creating "radar chart" (a.k.a. star plot; spider plot) using ggplot2 in R

I want to create a plot like the one below: I know I can use the radarchart function from fmsb package. I wonder if ggplot2 can do so, using polar coordinate? Thanks.
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7 answers

Chart.js and long labels

I use Chart.js to display a Radar Chart. My problem is that some labels are very long : the chart can't be display or it appears very small. So, is there a way to break lines or to assign a max-width to the labels? Thank you for your help!
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3 answers

Plot over multiple pages

I have the facet_wrap function to make multiple graphs (n=~51) but they all appear on one page. Now after searching, I found out that ggplot2 can't place graphs on multiple pages. Is there a way to do this? I looked at this question (Multiple…
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Ugly drawing of MS radar chart

I'm using the MS charting controls. And I'm using the radar chart to draw some values, but for some reason, the lines of the X-axis doesn't really meet in the middle. I have set the LineWidth = 1, but the line still takes like 2 pixels and…
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What's the most effective way to implement a radar plot with 50 points at arbitrary locations using chart.js

Consider a sequence of data along the following lines: data = [{angle:1.2,value:1.2},...,{angle:355.2: value:5.6}]; I'd like to display this data on a radially scaled plot (i.e. circular bands indicating how high the value of each point is) to show…
Jon Cage
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Axis label hidden by axis in plot?

I am trying to make a polar 'sypder' plot but I am having some problems with the axis labels. The xaxis tick lables always seem to end up on a layer below the y axis grid (the letters are covered by the grid line, as shown in the figure below), I…
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How can i integrate Radar Overlay on MapView?

I want to Integrate Weather radar on my MapView.Please anyone help on doing this task.I have done so many googling but not get succeed.Please check this image i wanted to do like this.
Ankit Vyas
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2 answers

Chartjs radar indexed labels

I am using chartjs to draw a radar chart. The value is shown on hover in the point of the chart, but I would like to show the value always. I need to change the view to show the data when I print the page. This is my current chart. The label is…
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1 answer

Cannot read property 'labels' of undefined

I am just learning how chart.js works so I have used the example code directly off of chart.js API page and it doesn't seem to work. I places the following code in the script tag and I get a " Cannot read property 'labels' of undefined" error. Not…
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3 answers

Interactive spider or radar chart using d3

I'm looking for a spider chart/radar chart for HTML/javascript that is also interactive. I would like the user to move all the endpoints and store the end result. I have been searching for a while and although I have found some nice chart components…
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MPAndroidChart RadarChart collapses itself

I have some problems with RadarChart labels. Specifically, if I use long texts (e.g. 15-20 chars), and the available space is not too big, the chart gets collapsed and the labels are positioned inside the collapsed chart (but there is clearly more…
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1 answer

Add unit labels to radar plot and remove outer ring ggplot2 (spider web plot, coord_radar)

I've been working on a radar plot recently and found a great bit of code on from Erwan Le Pennec. I've made a few edits, however there are some parts I couldn't work out how to remove the outermost circle as it doesn't define a value. Currently the…
1 answer

MS chart radar axis frequency

I'd like to draw a radar chart using MS Chart control in a WinForms app. This chart contains data for 1 day, I have data for every seconds, so I have 86 400 x-y value pairs. X axis contains dates, y my int values. My test code is like this: var…
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1 answer

Generate radar charts with ggplot2

In order to ease reproducibility, you can download here the data. Its structure is: > str(data) 'data.frame': 30 obs. of 4 variables: $ Count: num -15.26 NaN NaN -7.17 -49.37 ... $ X1 : Factor w/ 1 level "Mean": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... $ X2…
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4 answers

R radarchart: free axis to enhance records display?

I am trying to display my data using radarchart {fmsb}. The values of my records are highly variable. Therefore, low values are not visible on final plot. Is there a was to "free" axis per each record, to visualize data independently of their…
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