Questions tagged [radar-chart]

A radar chart graphically displays the values of three or more categories along a separate axis that starts in the center of the chart.

A radar chart, also known as a spider chart or a star chart, graphically displays the values of three or more categories along a separate axis that starts in the center of the chart.

293 questions
1 answer

Tutorial for python radar chart/plot

I want to do a radar plot in python but i don't know how to do it. I read some tutorials on the web and most of them are very complicated (drawing polygones, making calculations to place points, ...). So I wonder if someone have a "simple" tutorial…
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Overlapping labels on radarchart

Is there a way to avoid overlapping p axis labels? Have seen others suggest creating jitter, using direct.labels, etc., but have not found a way to make this work for radarchart{fmsb} Would be fine with a general pointer toward a radarchart option…
1 answer

How to remove polar gridlines and add major axis ticks

Could someone please help me remove the gridlines that form the rings inside my polar plot. I'd like to keep (and even bold) the axes and add ticks for each of the axis labels. Here is the code that I'm working with, an image of the plot, and an…
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PHP Solution to Generate Radar Chart

A client of mine currently uses a application that allows him to conduct a user survey based on 30 Questions and generate an Excel Report. The process is time consuming and labor intensive as it consists of 5-6 steps.. He wants a PHP…
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ChartJS Radar Chart radar lines color?

So i have been researching a lot about this and haven't found a solution, i want to change the colors of the radar lines as seen below: Is there a way to do that? Here is my current code: new Chart(document.getElementById("result_chart"), { …
Fadi Obaji
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Is it possible to draw a radar chart in R where each circle has a different colour?

Using the fsmb package I created a simple radar chart. Here is a reproducible example: #install.packages("fmsb") library(fmsb) data <- data.frame(rbind(rep(8,14), rep(0,14), c(3,4,4,4,3,4,4,4,4,3,3,3,3,3))) colnames(data) <-…
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Using radar/polar graphs to depict individual datapoints

This is following my previous post: How to measure the area of a polygon in ggplot2? What I would like now to do is to use the resulting radar charts as data points in a totally separate scatterplot or maybe save the object and use it later on…
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r combine ggRadar and facet_wrap

The code below illustrates my question. I want to use the ggRadar function in ggiraphExtra because it allows interaction with the graph. I want a separate spider graph for each nutrient and I want each spider graph to have a separate set of…
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Python animated radar chart

I'm trying to create a radar chart using Python / Matplotlib where measured data can be "played back" using matplotlib's built in animation module. I want the data points to move along their respective axes as the data set is traversed. I have…
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2 answers

Chart.js Radar Chart How to Remove Outer Labels

On mobile, these labels are taking up too much valuable space. How can I remove them while keeping the lines? I've tried several methods, ones that seem to work for typical x/y graphs, but can't find a way to achieve this for the radar chart.
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ios-charts radar chart turn auto scaling OFF

These two radar charts have the same data points for the orange bit, but different for the gray. However, as you can see it is autoscaling, and the orange bit ends up bigger on the second chart, even though they are the same exact data points. Is…
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How to highlight regions of plot with gnuplot

I'd appreciate if somebody can help with this question. I am working with a radar (or spiderweb) plot with gnuplot 5.0.0: The scale and range in all axes is the same. The numbers at and beyond 1 have a special meaning and I would like to highlight…
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6 answers

Closing the lines in a ggplot2 radar / spider chart

I need a flexible way to make radar / spider charts in ggplot2. From solutions I've found on github and the ggplot2 group, I've come this far: library(ggplot2) # Define a new coordinate system coord_radar <- function(...) { …
Fredrik Karlsson
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How to make radar spider chart with pentagon grid using matplotlib and python?

I have a radar chart. Need to change the grid from circle-form to pentagon-form. Currently, I have this output: Whereas I expect smth like this: Here's the info about the system i have: Windows 10 (64-bit); Python - 3.8.0 (32-bit); matplotlib -…
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Multiple line labels for chart js

I have this radar chart in chart.js which has 5 labels. The labels are quite long so I want to show them in two lines in HTML but when I use "\n" it doesn't make a new line! These are my labels: labels: ["COMMUNICATION \n SKILL ", "PRODUCT AND…
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