Questions tagged [rad-studio]

Use this tag if you have questions about RAD Studio features and functionality. DO NOT use it if you have questions about how to write code in RAD Studio. Please mention the version you're using.

RAD Studio is a suite of development tools developed by Embarcadero. Can be used to develop applications in Delphi or C++.

155 questions
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Nested JSON path using TRESTResponseDataSetAdapter not working (possibly due to RAD Studio 10.4 upgrade)

In an existing project I need to parse some JSON into a dataset using TRESTResponseDataSetAdapter, but I can't get nested fields to work. As a simplified example, let's say the data is structured like this: [ { "category": { "name":…
Magnus W
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TThread.CreateAnonymousthread / FreeOnTerminate but then with TTask / ITask

Background Using the TThread.CreateANonymousThread(aProc:TProc) I can create a thread that destroys the thread object after the thread has terminated. (or alternatively by setting FreeOnTerminate to true for athread object). This allws the thread…
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Delphi: How to create a stateful connection to the RESTful server created using DelphiMVCFramework?

I use DelphiMVCFrameWork 3.2.1 for building the RESTful server for my mobile app. For getting data I always use the basic auth. and I send the username and password everytime (for example): procedure TDM.getGroupsFromServer; var Http: TIdHTTP; …
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RAD Studio XE8 - You cannot set property. Instances of TCustomActionList are not found

I've recently bought Embarcadero RAD Studio XE8 and started my first project. I am done with the setting up the UI, but when it came to adding actions to UI I'm in trouble because I am unable to access the Action section of the object inspector. It…
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How can I inspect/watch an object at a specific (absolute) address

Background I (believe) know the address of an object, and I want to keep a watch on it. I find the address by first selecting a line on the call stack (not the top one) and then taking a look at the local variables. There is an interface in there…
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Inherited Delphi 2007 Project and need to compile it

I've spent quite a bit of time (nearly a full day at this point) trying to figure out how to get an IDE that can compile a Delphi 2007 project. I have only found solutions using the Delphi IDE (From RAD Studio, which has a license fee of…
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C++ Builder: Convert and print out Bitmap

I'm creating an application on Android using C++ Builder, and I need to print out (not display on screen) a Bitmap already created. To print out, I'm using "Classic Bluetooth Basic App" that Embarcadero offers. To convert I'm using this…
2 answers

RAD studio 10.3.3 could not create java virtual machine

I already checked the issue but i didn't found a solution. I use RAD STUDIO 10.3.3 in Win 10/64b and i have installed java 1.8_171/32b I try to create a new (sample) android application 32b and it builds ok. When i try to run it raises the error…
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How to navigate between procedure / function heading and main code

If I have my cursor on a procedure or function definition, is there a quick way to navigate to the beginning of the main code (begin) for the procedure or function, skipping over all the embedded procedure and function declarations (and preferably…
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Unit 'FMX.WebBrowser.Delegate.Cocoa' not found

I have a multidevice application developped with Rad Studio in Delphi, all work with Android, but when I want to execute the project on iOS, I have this error. This is the output : Build started 08/10/2020 15:14:20. Project…
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Access simple procedure from another unit that is NOT in the interface

I want to create a patch for the problem I reported as RSP-30853 In short, after loading my resouce DLL's I need to call sysutils.ResStringDeleteAllModules in order to flush the cached resource strings. Unfortunately this routine is NOT in the…
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How to debug plugin to a closed-source exe?

I am writing a plugin for the AIMP music player, which is itself closed source but has documentation for adding plugins. The interface is available in Delphi, hence I am figuring out how to use RAD Studio Delphi 10.3 Community Edition. I have…
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Change error message in TIdTCPClient.Connect

I'm using TIdTCPClient. It seems to be a simple thing to do, but I can't find a way to change the error message "Already connected" when I execute tcpClient->Connect(); So I set the Host, Port, and ConnectTimeout, and after all this I call the…
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FindFirst cannot find all files with extension ~1~ and others

SysUtils.FindFirst cannot find all files with extension ~1~ and other strange file extensions, for example: Unit1.dfm.~1~ void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { TSearchRec sr; int iAttributes = 0; StringGrid1->RowCount = 1; …
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Codegear Rad Studio C++Builder 2007 won't open on Windows XP SP2

I've been using Rad Studio for some old projects on another Windows XP (32 bit) based PC. So, I wanted to move my projects new computer. But, after the setup, bds.exe didn't open. Same setup file works on Windows 10 PC (64 bit), but I am not able to…
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