Questions tagged [quic]

QUIC (pronounced quick) is a multiplexed stream transport protocol over UDP. It is a transport level network protocol designed at Google. The tag applies to questions related to the protocol and its implementations such as libquic. QUIC is an acronym for Quick UDP Internet Connections.

QUIC (pronounced quick) is a transport level network protocol originally designed at Google and currently being standardised by the IETF. It provides security protection and implements connection semantics over UDP. As of 2016 it is used to stream YouTube traffic to capable browsers.

The protocol is documented in an IETF RFC Draft. The project website is hosted by Google. And libquic is an implementation with minimal dependencies to Chromium sources.

66 questions
0 answers

Node.js quick server returns socket error, looking for correct parameters

I am trying to use a server for quic using node version v8.4.0: git clone There is no example or description for how to use the code. Here is my code saved in "test.js" to attempt to call the server: // server var s…
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How to resolve net::ERR_QUIC_PROTOCOL_ERROR on server-side?

Some users have been reporting connection errors with Chrome after implementing reCaptcha. The issue appears to be intermittent and when we check the affected user's browser, we found "net::ERR_QUIC_PROTOCOL_ERROR" Disabling quic protocol on Chrome…
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1 answer

What is the purpose of the Duplicate encoder instruction in HTTP/3 QPACK?

In HTTP/3 QPACK there exists an instruction for duplicating an existing entry in the dynamic table; supposedly it is used to avoid adding reference to an older entry which may block inserting new entries. However, I fail to see how this is…
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Nginx http3 closes connection with big html page

I got a problem while testing an nginx server patched with Quiche implementation of HTTP/3 with curl: when I try to send multiple consecutive request for a small html page (~1kb), nginx responds correctly root@cUrlClient:~# ./curl/src/curl…
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2 answers

How do I see if web reqest/response uses QUIC and/or HTTP/2?

I am trying to do some tests in Chromium with HTTP/2, HTTP1.1, QUIC, and TCP. I want to try different combinations of the protocols. I am experiencing some very strange behaviour in my browser though. When I want to try HTTP1.1+QUIC I start my…
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1 answer

Force Selenium Chrome Driver to use QUIC instead of TCP

I am working on downloading HAR from Chrome for YouTube through Selenium Python Script. Code Snippet: chrome_options =…
1 answer

QUIC traffic generation

I wanted to know if anyone in this community know/found a way to simulate QUIC traffic profile. For analyzing/simulating youtube over WLAN (WiFi), i wanted to know if there is a convenient package like iperf out there. Thanks Bharat C P
1 answer

Is HTTP client side connection pooling still valid when QUIC, HTTP/3 is the major/all traffic expected?

As modern systems, especially for micro-services, connection pooling for HTTP client is quite often deployed. But with the QUIC + TLS1.3, it seems like to me that connection pooling would be useless as there is support for 0-RTT in QUIC. Is any QUIC…
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Wireshark/QUIC - Cannot decrypt QUIC

I'm trying to view the payload of QUIC packets although, with no luck. I can decrypt fine TLS packets using SSLLOGFILE file that generated by the browser and load it to Wireshark, I can see HTTPS and DoH and almost all TLS encrypted packets are…
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0 answers

QUIC in Catchpoint - Can we add Chromium flags to enable QUIC in catchpoint?

I am trying to run some performance tests to visualize the benefits of QUIC on catchpoint. Any thoughts on how to test QUIC on catchpoint? I know curl allow Chromium flags. Is there a way to add flags in the script or the CP UI?
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1 answer

Are there any web servers supporting RFC8879 TLS Certificate Compression?

I am trying to verify an implementation of RFC8879. Are there any webservers or TLS libraries which have implemented this RFC? I have done some research and my results indicate that the popular webservers/tls libraries have not implemented this RFC…
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Why QUIC does not have a standard API?

TCP has a standard API called "TCP sockets" and in our environment we don't need to worry about which library implements TCP. However, HTTP/3 explained says QUIC has no standard API. So, any program over QUIC depends on the library that implements…
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1 answer

Wireshark doesn't show QUIC protocol

while using Wireshark Version 3.2.5, cannot capture packets under QUIC, only shown as UDP. But the Wireshark document shows that it supports QUIC?
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Building Quic protocol on ns-3

I am new to using ns-3. I want to test a certain self-contained implementation of the quic protocol available on github. How can I integrate the code with ns-3 for testing under different conditions?
1 answer

Does SCTP really prevent head-of-line blocking?

I've known about SCTP for a decade or so, and although I never got to use it yet, I've always wanted to, because of some of its promising (purported) features: multi-homing multiplexing w/o head-of-line blocking mixed order/unordered delivery on…
Evgeniy Berezovsky
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